I haven't heard about "blogs" until 2005, at an English class, where our pro. asked us to visit a political blog and read the articles, because it was a "homework" i didn't bother...
Then the word forced itself in my life, everyone had one! i also didn't bother, but I finally visited some and liked the idea of expressing ideas... freely!
The reason why I decided to have a blog is; having the time to focus on... MIE
4 Years of Dreaming
My high school years; dreaming of the "American Dream" a crazy idea my mom planted in my head, in my 1st high school year, the plant just kept growing along with me, i wanted my "American Dream" to become real... there is always a BIG BUT
4 Years in Reality
University years: took all the best of me, there was no time for old friends, no time for family, no time for mie... 80% to Mostaqilla, 5% to studies & 15% to...
2 years in hell but also heaven :)
WORK! some perceptions were broken, some were built, but the most important thing was (and is) meeting all those great people i met there, all helped me in a way or other, to be a better MIE
a time to think...
when i decided to do my masters, i knew it was a life changing decision, a complete turn over... when we started last June, i never thought i would enjoy it this much! Thanks God i took the right decision & still didn't regret!! You know why?! i found myself again, recalled what i always wanted to do in life, and learnt the best thing ever... always do what you love, enjoy & good at!
One recent major change after my studies is quiting my current job; some people regret it, i realized it is a relief... set me free & made me focus more on MIE :)
Yes! this blog is about MIE, MYSELF & Life ::
Life: not only my life, but also life in general; how it affects us, change us and motivate us
Myself: hmmm, do i need to explain this?!
MIE: M is for first letter of my name, I is for the powerful "I" e.g. I am, I want, I need, I love, I hate, I desire, I... what a wonderful word!
E is for every powerful word that starts with the letter "E" e.g. entertaining, energy, enthusiastic... etc
Maybe it is a new way to express myself, shout my thoughts loud, share things with the world that maybe someone will inspire something from it...
Mie miE