>> Happie Birthday to Mie <<
~$$~ CHA CHA CHA ~$$~
My birthday was on November 19th two weeks ago; and it was a BLAST! hehe in a good way :D
i got three birthday cakes (i will post pics soon) :
1 was a surprise birthday celebration from my closest and most loved group of sabaya! Norah, Delu, Nouf, Sends & Amoon :**
1 was from my aunt Amoonah to celebrate the birthday of my grand mother and I; we share the same birthday date :D
1 was from the one and only, cuppie :***
My birthday gifts were:
Blackberry Curve GEMINI! i love it i love it i love it!
Cute stuff for my room from Marks & Spenser
Swaroviski Christmas rings
Cartier pink key chain & pink pen
A crystal necklace from Granny :*
A picture portrait of mie :*
My adventure was:
A lovely one day trip to Bahrain with Cuppie :* -hehe re7t checking 3ala resalty oo 3ugub celebrate my birthday at Lilo's YUM YUM FOOD!
Not to mention, we both shopped til we drop :D
I want to thank everyone who wished mie a happy birthday and called, SMSed, facebooked, bbmed, twittered or even emailed! You draw a smile on my face ... love you all
>**> Happy Late Eid ;p <**<
First: عيدكم مبارك وكل عام والجميع بخير ولا وانها متأخرة
2nd: i spent the entire Eid in shalleh with family and relatives :* the weather was beyond fabulous; i had so much fun :)
How did you guys celebrate your Eid?! Anyone traveled?! Shalleh or Mu5ayim?! Kanat el 3i6la 3ajeeba mu?! ;p
However you celebrated it, i wish you had fun and it was a blessing time for you and your family :)
>>> Randomly Randoms :*** <<<
i took my time in thinking about the coming parts of the story, and i thought about this crazy idea which i want to share with you and know your opinion about it -you're reading the story ;)
SO... i thought about flipping the story events! Ya3ny, abalch min nihayat el qi9a, oo bedal la tfakroon sheno ra7 y9ir, abikom tfakroon SHLOUN 9AR CHTHY! la2ena el 3ebra mu bel nihaya, el 3ibra fy el shay elly sawa el nihaya; oo hatha elly aby awa9la
So my A WOMAN TORN APART readers and my blog's reader, what do you think?! Shall i start with the result all the way to the how?! Or, keep the flow of events as they are (how then result)?!
Vote and you choose :)
My Studies
Okay, it is about to say it loud, i am doing my Masters in Bahrain! I am almost done, but I am in the process of writing the Thesis. In fact, i am in the first step of writing the Thesis :S
I started one year ago, and I am happy that I took this decision. It changed my life in a good way. Yes! Sometimes i scream and ask myself "what was I thinking!?!?" because it isn't easy as people think -because it is in Bahrain and all the ciaos about it!- But i gather myself with the support of people who love mie, and I continue in it.
So, if i ever disappear for a while or stop blogging, passing by to my loved blogs and commenting, I am not being rude, I am just too busy to step by the place I love the most in the cyber world, my blog & you guys :***
Oo SalAmtKoM :*
Waiting for votes on A WOMAN TORN APART twist of events; posting the next part depends on how quick you guys vote ;p
love you all and miss you all loads!
Mie Mie
Waiting for votes on A WOMAN TORN APART twist of events; posting the next part depends on how quick you guys vote ;p
love you all and miss you all loads!
Mie Mie