- 2001 New Year Party was a blast! Everyone was there; we had so much fun.
- Family men were at the camp.
- A7mad was partying in the shalleh; and he sent me the sweetest message for New Year.
>> some where in 2004 <<
"mama ... mama!"
her angelic baby voice said "mama gumee! kalty 7essa tabee"
"ok mama al7in agoom; wein o5ooch?!"
"sleep" putting her cute hands on top of each other, under her cheeks & closing her eyes, acting Khalid's sleep.
I smiled and kissed her cheeks
"Yalla mama gumeeeeee!" she said with a louder tone!
"enzain... enzain!" stretching my arms, looking at the clock, it was 10:30 am.
I got up and baby Rana left the room, had a quick shower to freshen up and went out to the living room, where my baby girl Rana was playing peacefully with her dolls.
I sat on the sofa and asked her "mama Rana, wein khaltch 7essa?!"
"sawat alo; oo galat gumee mama 3aysha" she replied
I sarcastically said "gumee mama 3aysha?! 7abibty esmha ga3day mama 3aysha"
"gaaa' ... dee " my cute thing was trying!
I laughed and she got upset! "mama! aloo kalty 7esa!" she turn around and continued playing
"enshallah 3amty Rana!!" i kept on laughing
I dialed 7essa's mobile number and waited for her to pick up the phone...
"aloo!" she said
"halaa2 7esaa shlounch?!"
"9a7 el noom 3aysheen! 3ayara bntch 9arat tred 3ala el telephone! 3eshtaw oo tguly mama sleep!" said 7essa
"ee smelah 3aliha; lata7sdeen benty thekray Rabch!" teasing her!
"mashallah! chebaa7!" she laughed then asked "agool 3awash, betyiin esteqbal Faroo7 bnt 3amty?!"
"ee baroo7 ... nru7 ma3a ba3ath?!" i asked her
"ee leish la2, a9lan ana makent baroo7 broo7y!" she said
"haaw leish?! She5a oo Dana mara7 yroo7un?!" i wondered
"el dectorah 3ndha 3amaliyat madry shenu! oo el muhandesa matadry wein twady 3yalha la2ena omy ma taby troo7 oo malha 5elg yahal" replied 7essa
"enzain sh3endch al7in?! mureny 5an sulif shway..." i suggested
"tawny 6al3a mn el jam3iya, el yahal bel madresa, wein raylch?!" she anxiouly asked
"msafer! yalla ta3alay 7e9oo!" i begged her
"enzain enzain kany yayah!"
we ended the call and I went to kitchen to prepare some tea and coffee for the (Chay Th7a) catch up with my sister. Rana was still playing with her dolls and Khalid was peacfully sleeping.
15 minutes later
I opened the door and 7essa was standing with a box of cake from Mr. Baker, we kissed cheeks and she came in.
"leish kalaftay nafsch?! matyoozin!?"
"el cake latheeth ma3 el chay! yalla 9ubely"
Rana approached 7essa with a shy smile and kissed her cheeks -- so adorable! and stood in her place.
"ya ba3ad qalbi dala3 el banat!" 7essa said as she kissed Rana
i smiled and said to Rana "yalla mama ru7ay le3bay"
She went back to her dolls as we started talking...
"betyeeb el dala3 min meno '3erch!?" said 7essa
"t-hageen?! ya3ny mu min Walid!?" i said with a yellow bitter smile
"Oboha!! wein shaf el dala3! hatha de3la,, Ana bs bafham.... shloun rethatay ta5thena?!?!? madry!!"
i took a deep breath and ....
>> May 2001 <<
"yuma, metqadmlch wa7ed!"
"Walid Al ****"
"wein yshte'3el?!"
"thabi6... 3awash bnaity, Oma dagat maretiin el yum, el walad shakla y3arfch oo 5a6ra feech!"
"ma aby thabi6!"
"Ya yuma el thabi6 rayal shayel nafsa oo ysheel murta oo beita, raza oo sana3"
"oo nafsa b5ashma oo mala 5elgy! ysawely 3asker fy el mu3askar?!!!" i said
My mum laughed and said "3awaaash! Allah yeg6a3 bleesch!"
"Ya yuma, hatha 3 3aris tarftheen hal sena bedoon latshofina?! leish ya yuma, tara el bent kel makbarat kel maqalat for9ha bel zwaj... Oo entay je3dty oo aby afra7 mench gabel la amout oo ashoof a7fady" she contiued with a eyes full of tears.
I see this scenario everytime someone propose!
"Yuma ... madry leish taglbinha mana7a kel ma teqadamly wa7ed! ana ma aby atzawaj!" i affirmed
"hathy 7achwat o5ooch Ghazy oo zain meny met7amlita, mara7 asketlich nafsa oo a5elch 3ala kefch! betshofin el walad ya3ny betshofin el walad!!" She got up from the sofa heading to the kitchen ... i supposed
she suddenly stopped, turned around me and said "ely yabch, 3iyat nafsch teb'3a, oo ely tabina, 3iya el ba5at 2eeyebah! oo mara7 2eeyebah!" and went out side the living room.
and she was right!
To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart
tell mie what you guys think?!?!?! it is very important to know if you like the backward style. Adry it may be confusing to some of you, that's why i need to know what you guys think (like/dilike)
luv you all & sorry for taking forever to post the new part :*
Mie Mie