Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Why I'm Not Blogging?! Or Living?!!

Monday, January 25, 2010
A Woman Torn Apart -- 18

Anyways, i got my self done as soon as I reached my mom's house; soft make up and wore my outfit, put my A'abaya and shela waiting for 7essa.
I remeber the day I decided to wear Hijab; It was March 19 2001! I shocked everyone with my decision including Maryoom, who never thought it would happen.
**Flash back**
March 2001
"ana te7ajabt!"
"shenoo ya3nee?!!""ya3ny te7ajabt!"
"hatha el qarar beny oo bein Raby, oo enta malik she'3el! Mu 3ers or safra ana aby aroo7laha 3ashan asta2thn menk! Hatha shar3 Allah... oo enta malek ay 7ag enk tkalmny chethy fy hatha el mawthoo3!"
"Maly 7ag?!""La2!"
"Akeed!!""EE A7mad akeed; 7eta lu kent raylee chan masta2thant mnk!"
"mashy!" then he hang the phone; disappeared for a long while, long enough to make me decide to be with someone else!****
7essa picked me up around 7PM and we won't to my cousin's Reception in Nuzha.It was crowded but very classy! Fara7, my cousin, took care of every detail! The lighting, food, drinks! Everything!!! The theme was vintage pink, white and light green. It was an outdoor reception for giving the birth for her new baby girl.
We sat on a tabel where 3 of our cousins were sitting; we chated, gossiped, laughed and recalled good old days :)
"Yalla gumay 7u6iilch shay!" 7essa said as she just sat on the table
"bs te5uf el za7ma!" i replied"al7ien maku a7ad! Yalla 3aysheen shenu mu yu3ana!?"
I looked at the buffiet section, there wasn't much people. "Okay kany bagoom, ayeeblch shay?!" I asked"la2 mashkoora!"
I walked toward the buffiet, and started putting some food to eat when someone from my back asked ..."3aysha?!"
I turned arround and it was .... i expected anyone on earth but her!
With wide open eyes I said "Amal!" ... She is A7mad's younger sister!
She placed her plate on the buffiet table and hugged me! I was mesmerized!
"asfa adry ench tabin takliin! bs b9ata7a magedart!" She said with happiness pouring from her eyes!"la 3ady .. a9lan ana .. "
"please ge3day ma3ay! Aby asulf ma3ach!" she urged!I couldn't think of my food, i took my plate, my million questions and followed her to a tabel where no one was sitting on it
"Shloonch oo sha5barch?!" She asked
"Ana zaina, entay shloonch?!"
"el 7amdillah, tezawajt gabel 6 months oo el 7ayat mashya" drawing a big smile on her faceI was happy for her! "Mashallah! maderait, bs shaklich merta7a... Allah ytamem 3alich"
"ee! oo al7in 3endy Khalid ba3ad 3umra 4 months" i said
"Mashallaaaaaaah! mu mbayin!" she excitely said!"shloon el dinya etdoor ... gabel 3 years eltgeena awal mara, tathkriin?! Lama sawoony mersal '3aram 3ashan t-hawnin 3an el zawaj! Oo al7in entay Om 3yal" Amal said
"EE ... " i didn't know what to say."3aysha ..." looking deeply into my eyes "latefhmeny '3ala6 bs A7mad wayed ta3ban! mekte2eb! dayman yesra7 oo ma nadry 3anah! Omy wayed 5ayfa 3alih oo ohwa ... "
I interrupted "Amal, Okhooch ba3ny ber5ees! Ana youm getla batzawaj galy mategdriin, getla ok ta3al bs 9arlena 6 sniin ma3 ba3th, galy laa ana wla '3ery ya5thch!"
"Bs ohwa ... ma kan bwa3ya oo dalil ena dazny akalmch!" She sadly said
"Ohwa kan sakran! Wa7da min million mushkela ma5alatna netzawaj!" I angrily replied
She was speechles, put her down apperantly ashamed from the awful truth about her brother, the love of my life!
"Amal.. entay sheftay sh9ar feny, oo kentay tgolinly ena A7mad '3aby la2ena 3amalny chethy... Ana makent aby akhaly bs ohwa ma5alaly ay 7al!" I sadly said.
"ref3ay rasch, '3al6at okhooch ohwa yt7amela! Entay el 7amdillah tezawajtay oo mashya b6reejch ... please ana a3tebrch methel ekhty oo mayhoon 3alay ashufch chethy!"
She smiled and said "entay a9lan wayeed 3alih! mumkn a5eth raqmch el ydid?! adry '3ayarty 3ashan A7mad bs wa3ad ma a36iih el raqam, oo etha sawet-ha saway feny ely tabina! edliin betna sa7?!" wincked!
"haha! Okay,, ana ba36eech el raqam la2ench we3adteny oo ana atheq feech! Bs please remember eny happily married oo ma aby ay shay y5areb 3alay..." I had to make it clear
We exchanged numbers, I excused myself and went back to 7essa. We greeted Fara7 as we were going out, and we left the reception around 9:30 PM.
I picked my kids from my Mom's house, left home, prepared and let Rana and Khalid sleep, had a shower and finally dipped myself into bed.
I knew Amal was going to tell A7mad that she saw me, so I had to lie about my "happily married" part to tease him, maybe.
I recalled the night I found out that A7mad drinks Alchohol; it was bittering, hurtful and I felt betraied! 6 years he kept such secerte from me, what else could he hide?!
To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart
Mie Mie
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
A Woman Torn Apart -- 17
"ee bs mu al7in, ana baru7 ma3 5altch 7essa oo entay ta5thin Khalood oo tru7un 3end mama Mu'9y" i answered
"shlun aroo7?! ana ma3endy sayara!" She wondered
"ana awadeech ba3din aru7 ma3 5alty 7essa"
"oo kalid?!" she asked
"kalid!" i laughed "hindia entay?! KHALID beyroo7 ma3ach" i said
And just when we were about to continue our food, Khalid's cry from the (Baby crying machine) came out loud! So i didn't complete my lunch, and rushed to his room.
Introducing my 2nd baby, Khalid... he was born in on the 28 of Feb. 2004, just two days after my second Anniversary. he is now 4 months old... While Rana looks like her dad, Khalid looks so much like ... Ghazi my brother!
I feed Khalid, changed his dippers and got him the Living room on his chair to stay with Rana, while the servant just finished washing the dishes. I spent some times with the kids and watched TV
Time fly so quick; it was almost 4 and i totally forgot about my cousin's reception! I asked the servant to change for the kids and I rushed to my room to get ready... I got out a mid length silk baby pink skirt with it's lace sleeves shirt and a see through colored pullover jacket.
After my quick shower, I called mum to tell her I am dropping my kids, then called my hairdresser and said "i want a nice quick hairstyle, coming in 15 minutes!".
Took my kids, the sevant and drove to my mother's place, wearing my Aabaya and shilah!
Yes, i wore 7ijab in March 2001 it was a sudden decision that no one expected! Of course my parents were happy for it, as well as my sisters... The only one who refused it was Ghazi, who i haven't talked to since December 2001!
>> December 2001 <<
"Enta shloon tesma7 7ag nafsk teda5al fee 5sosiyatee oo testa'3felny!?" i yelled
"lat 9ar5iin! ana O5ooch akbar mnch oo lazem te7tarmeny!" Ghazy said
"Ay e7teram?! enta 5aliit feha e7teraam?! Met3arefly 3ala wa7da ma adry min wein oo m5aliha t7u6 3einha 3alay bel dawam, oo tetgarab meny besem el Sadaqa 3ashan twa9ilk a5bary awal bawal?!! Shloon chethy tsawee!!"
"Entay leish mu rathya t9adgiin ena el salfa kelaha 9arat 9udfa?! Ana a3arefha gabel latroo7in el Hay2a oo gabel latetwathfiin fee nafs el qsm!" His voice got higher "oo ma7ad kan yabee ysta'3felch oo el bnt magalt ela kel 5eir 3anch?!"
"kel 5eir!" i said sarcastically "akeed betgoolk 3any kel 5eir la2enha kanat rasma 3alik ya Ghazi!!" I said looking staright into his eyes with mine full with anger and disappointment!
We were fighting in the living room, Mum came quick from the Kitchen hearing the arrguments and interfered "shsalfa?! shfeekom!!"
"Se2alay weldch!! El mu7taram!" pointing at Ghazi
"Ana mu7taram '3asben 3alich!" He screamed!
"lu mu7taram chan ma7a6iit wa7da tetlazag feny 3ashan tetgarab mnik!"
"Wa7da!?" Mum wondered "Meno hathy!?!"
As i was about to say her name, Ghazi screamed "3AYSHA!" hinting not to say another word!
"Saja!" I screamed her name out of anger
To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart