1. Super Hatrik!
Hatrik is a football term when a team when a match with 3 goals VS nothing from the opposite team. Super Hatrik goals above 3, ya3ny (4 goals) is a Super Hatrik!
It's a the word i used today to describe the spectacular victory of Kuwaiti Women in the final elections, they didnt make it with one, two or three at they're first entry, they made it with 4 Candidates winning the elections from different religion & political believes. They made a Super Hatrik! Best part?! Non of their political believes belong to 3ADAS -- YES! I HATE THEM!
Another great thing?! 16/5/2005 is when the National Assembly (majles el Omma) FINALLY agreed on giving Kuwaiti women their political rights & on 16/5/2009 Four Kuwaiti women won the elections & will entre H.H. Abdullah Al Salem Hall as PARLIMENTS MEMBERS... finally :)
Dr. Ma3souma Al Mubarak

Dr. Salwa Al Jassar

Oo 7a9wa fee 3ein 3adas oo '3erhoum elly maysaloun 3al Neby!!!
P.S. I will go to the opening session of the assembly & see the faces of 3adas members when the 4 ladies enter the hall :)
2. When I see you, I see butterflies & its been a while...

When I listen to Alicia Keys song (Butterflies) i get a rush in my viens! Especially that just a while ago, it's been a while since i got "Butterflies" and felt like walking on the clouds! Just a while ago, it's been a while since i blushed for seeing someone or for just thinking of someone! Just a while back, it's been a while since i felt tempted to ... whatever i love doing with someone ;)
Why?! nothing is interesting, fear of being driven in emotions & involved in the unknown, and the trip stopped being exsiting!
Until I saw him, at the office & in the middle of the crowed, something kept pulling my eyes toward him out of all the guys who were in the same room, he managed to attract mie. But the blush & butterflies didnt come until one time he.. He just passed by a dream & BUFF!
Then I saw him 2 weeks later walking by mie, looking stright into my eyes & that was it! I blushed, got so many butterflies that my friend told mie: shfeh wayhesh 9ar a7mar?! He gave butterflies, plenty of them, so many of them & it feels soooo GREAT! And everytime i see him walking through the corridor, or passing by mie, and we look stright into the eyes.. WHOA! Just an amazing feeling, an amazing rush through my veins rushes!
And everytime I think of him I smile, & whenever he passes by i blush... I miss that feeling & he gives it mie whenever we see one another!
What's next?! I have no clue! I will twinkle & see where that will take us, keep ZERO exepectations & follow the flow of things & butterflies, ana bashuf a5rat hal butterflies shenu?! ;$
P.S. Couldn't upload the song, ENJOY it on the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vciXfY9uuE
3. she said "we dont live like they do"!

For a while now, a very closer than close friend of mine keeps saying "when dont live like they do! no exsitment, no fun, no what others got!"...
Yes we don't, I choose to be different & fight this nasty flow!! Freedom is being who we are not who others exepect us to be. Freedom is not changing your self just to be in a (groupie) of XXXXXXX ! Yes my dear, we are different & I love that. it is not only you, it is also mie & others who we still didnt meet. We were born to be different & it's not bad,, aslan it feels so right that i feel sorry for the ones you talk about! You know what I think about them?! They are empty too, because they have nothing to live for & whatever life gives them I am sure it took so much in return.
Being who we are is not wrong, turning like them is wrong and i think wanting to have their exsitment or fun or what they got is wrong too.
P.S Don't close your eyes on what you got, open it & you will realize that you have things others want but will never be as lucky as you are. luv u ;*
4. Good nite ;*

Qoundoush -or Guantanamu as 7amani says (LOL)- wishs u a nitie nite & sweet dreams so does mie.
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