"You're just too GooD to bE tRue
Can't take mY eYeS off yOu
yOu'd bE likE heAVen to toUcH
I wanNa hOld You sO muCh"
-- Lauren Hill
Today I felt different from some reason! Everyday for the past week i sign in my blog but have nothing to say, no inspiration i guess -and No! Not because MJ is dead :(
I was a silent reader.. reading stories on BLOGS, commenting on them if i like, & ignoring if i dont.
I was also very interested in what's going on in the political bubble in Kuwait spesifically about the Interrogation of Interior minister Jaber al Khalid, all the different bloggers views -the WITH and the AGAINST- before the interrogration, during it & later on.
Well today i decided to step out of my silent and speak loudly about different things i have been observing lately. I will start with the joyful things because my mood is high!
Dance and Singing in the Rain! Before & After (el Jaw wayed 7elu in Q8 and i got inspired!)

Have you seen the movie "Singing in the Rain"?!
Well its a classic Hollywood movie i think in the last 50's.. 7ada 3ajeeb! I saw it maybe once or twice and was touched by the scene of guy dancing in the rain! It was heavily raining in the city at the darkest night, but he was happy & singing!
This Man is happy and he wasn't ashame of showing it, or even embarresed!
The common thing between that scene & our life is this:
When we were young, we used to go out to the "7osh" and dance & sing whenever it rains:
طق يا مطر طق بيتنا يديد، مرزامنا حديد
without shame or embarresment, and it was so much fun!
These days when it rains i see guys "yshaf6un", girls freaking out thinking "mekyaaaaaaaaaaaajiiii!" OR "Uff! ma7ela y6eg mu6ar ela lama sawit sha3ry" and people hidding inside their house...
What a nice way of expressing the joy you feel when it rains in Kuwait, if it rains!
We are going backward in everything in our beloved country Kuwait, even in expressing our feelings!
5 million .. GONE WITH THE WIND!

Its almost a week since Al Khalid intorregration by Msalam Al Barak & thanks to AlWatan TV they keep on humilating and embarresing us infront of "elly yswa oo elly mayeswa" -check their evening news on July 6th!
I read so many different views for bloggers about that, and how some are disappointed from the Librals for voting against "6ar7 el theqa" which means they want to keep Al Khalid in his position, and thats not what most of the bloggers asked or seeked for!
Some blogs are closed from disappointment
Other are still discussing it
Some are too mad to post a word
oO chethy...
Regardless if the Interrogation was for revenge hidden agendas, or who Questioned the minister... there are 5 MILLION KUWAITI DINNERS are GONE WITH THE WIND!
5 MILLION KD MEANS = 17,400,382 USD
5 MILLION KD MEANS = 12,454,113 EUR
On what?! Advertising signs!!! YA RAGEL OOL KALAM '3EIR DAH!
I know the advertising industry in VERY expensive especially in Dubai & Kuwait oo 3ala chay mayeswa and i know that the space rent for advertising is also very expensive here. But to fool the Kuwaiti people & say 5 MILLION KD on ADS sign; sorry bs hatha BULSHIT!
And the fact that no one wants to talk about it because المحور الاول حول الى النيابة العامة oo nshuf el neyaba shetgul is also another BULSHIT!
With all do respect to the Judicial system in Kuwait, but we know that no one will ask about the 5 MILLION and it wont return to the احتياطي الاجيال القادمة or whatever they call it.
It's gone, 5 MILLION are gone and my fear is people will forget about it with time!
These 5 MILLION could have solved so many things here, in Kuwait & for Kuwaitis. Aqal chay buy a new good "muwaled kahraba" instead of recieving a msg from "tarsheed" saying that power is over due! Madry shlun POWER OVER DUE Oo 3ndna OIL America 3aysha 3alih!
Oo trust mie, those 5 MILLION didnt only cause problems in the OMA or between BLOGGERS, BUT also right inside my house between dad -elly faj2a 9ar 7kumy!- and myself!
Alot has been said. But ALL BLOGGERS should never give up this case and surrender! We all know when all bloggers unified what happened in the "نبيها 5" Campaign that started here! Yes I know the % MiLLION are GONE WITH THE WIND. But if we all step up together we can charge and punish the ones responsible for this CRIME!
It is a matter no one should disregard because:
"للأموال العامة حرمة وحمايتها واجب على كل مواطن"
دستور دولة الكويت المادة 17
And finally...

lighten up your soul
I am a free bird afterall
True the fall was sweet
But the bottom was disreliefed
The truth behind the fall was ugly
that my soul couldnt believe
Screaming: "NO! Please not again
Not another fool
Not another waste of time & a feel"
Thus my Soul stood up high
and to my surprise, my heart didnt fight
the revolution of the state of mind!
No! I dont want to FALL in love
I want to BE in love!!
It is final, all three agree
and YES! it is a relief
to see your soul again ... FREE!
Mie Mie
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