"Yuma 3aysha nezlay ta7at, el nas yaw"
Her tender soft voice came through the intercom of my room, where I was dressed up with simple light makeup and a long ligh gray dress with baby pink florals. Rawan and Maryoom were with me in the room to calm me down.
"Enshallah" I hang up and walk to the door.
"Don't worry, etha matabina gulay... mu meth6ara tjamliin!" Maryam said
I took a deep breath and said "yseer kheir, ymkn ykun ohwa nseeby! ly muta awagef nseby 3ashan wa7ed mu shareny"
Rawan just glared at me with a sad look, Maryoom stood quietly and i left the room.
Going to the hall-room from my room felt like the longest time ever! I felt every step, my heart was beating strongly and my hands were shaking, something from the inside screamed "DON'T! JUST STOP WHERE YOU ARE!...
THIS IS NOT YOU! PLEASE STOP!" said my inner voice with despratness because I ignored it and went toward the hall room.
Every one stood up and my mum said "yuma salmay 3ala 5altch Om M7amad ...." all i can hear is BLA BLA BLA!
I was frozen in my place! Hessa -who was sitting next to mum and Dana - had to get up, walk toward me and gently pull me to greet the mother, two sisters and ... WALEED!
"mesta7ya bnayatna!" Dana said to break the ice as mum was anxiously smiling
i greeted the ladies, and immediatly sat down between mum and Hessa. My head was down, not because i was shy, but because i was exteremly shocked.
Waleed, who digged my passed controls my present and will draw my future, is the same man I met last year ... randomly!
They kept on talking, i didn't hear them, I circuled myself in a bubbles of wonders and shocks! Waleed, on the otherside, kept a focused straight eyes on me with a wicked smile. He knows excatly why i was stunned and he clearly can read my mind!
His mum and sister direct any question to me and i briefly answer: Yes / No / Enshallah / El 7amdilla.
Then my mum broke the ice and said "Yuma 3aysha, gumay weya Waleed ge3daw bel salon" his mum nudded agreeing and said "ee 5alihum yet3arfun 3ala ba3ath akthar" flashing me a smile.
I stood up and directed him to the other living room, it was across a short coridor there was no doors that seprated the two hall-rooms.
I rudly sat before him, he smile, sat on a facing sofa and said "shfeeha el 7elwa mnafsa?!"
I tried to control my tempers and said "mu mnafsa, Waleed bedun laf w dawarn, enta shtaby?!"
"afa! leish hal nafs el shena? w bser3a lega6ay esmy, ya qalbi ana ..."
I intrupted him "ana mu qalbk! Please 5alik sare7 w wathe7, ana 3eraft enta meno!"
"Ana el sha5es elly a7bch w shareech!" he teased with a soft low voice
"Enta elly ana radeta maretain min gabel! Mara fy Souq Sharg w mara 3end Jhonney! tathker wela athakrek?!" i was trying to tease him
"la athker, w geltely helegy, mesa7tay feny el arth! Oo haam 7abitch!"
"Shlun t7ebny w enta mat3arfny!"
"a3arfch ly daraja kafya t5aliny a7bch, w ra7 a7bch akthar lama tseren murty!" he said with confident
I got irritated, stood up and said "7elm eblees bel jana! mumkn tetfathal bedun ma6rud!"
He smiled and said "3endy kelmten, ge3day w sem3iihm!"
and before i say any word, he held my hands and pulled me down next to him! I was terrified, my jaw dropped and my eyes popped! i couldn't say a word!
"ana abeech bel 7alal, 3ala senat Allah w rasula... ely entay t7bena mayabch ela bel 7aram, lu y7bch mayertha rayal yjesech ghera! chan teqadamlch min zman.... bs ohwa mstans 3al wathe3 ely benkm..."
My eyes got tearful and i was shaking
"ana lama se2alat w 3eraft, shakeet ena ely benkum akbar min chethy w msawyeen shay ma3 ba3ath, bs ashwa ena entay wayed anthaf min chethy w ma9ar shay benkum... w haam ekteshaft wayed shaghlat 3ana entay matadriin 3anha, ma3ena sarlkm 6 snin ma3a ba3ath!"
He looked deeply into my eyes & said "ma aloomch, ohwa mesteghel 6ebtch w san3ech 3aref shlun y5ech 3anch ashya2 wayed!"
i finally got the strength to say "ashya2 methel shenu?"
"Sheftay el shalleh ely yru7la, hatha matra3 wesakha! Maskhara w sherb w... "
my eyes popped! "Sherb?! Khamer!"
"ee khamer! w banat 6ab3an!"
i couldn't believe what i was hearing! "enta chathaab!"
"twaqa3t! ana ma agul kalam min hawa, 3endy kel el adela, el mara el yaya lama neyee tshufenhum bs 3ala shar6!"
"etha 6ela3t saj, tetzwjeeny!"
Why is he forcing his love on me?! WHY!!!
I couldn't think, all i wanted is to see the evidence he mentioned! I immediately said "ok, mwafqa, w etha 6ela3at chathab, abiik te5tefy min 7ayaty!"
"tam!" He said with wide smile.
He stood up and nodded to leave the . I walk along with him when before getting near the ladies, he slowed down and leen toward me and said with a low voice
"deray balch min Saja, ehya mu el malak ely met5aylita!"
To Be Contiued ... A Woman Torn Apart
Allah wanasa tara 7adi endimajt.. il7en so2al.. hathy 8i9a 9ijeya wila fiction? its really good mashallah.. i cant wait for the next part. you should make it a book when ur done :)