i know i know i've been away for a very long time! Apologize for that :/ but i didnt mean too! -well maybe a little ;p
As a form of an apology i have so many stories to share with everyone, juicy ones! Ready?!
1. The White Dress Dream... No! It isn't like The Dream
Its kind of hard to find a perfect match for marriage nowadays, blame it on stronger social education, women movements, globelazation... anything! Women nowadays are more independent and the older we get, the picker we are interms of choosing Mr. Right.
I'm one of those picky women, i look at every single detail when it comes to choosing Mr. Right, cause he is suppose to be Mr. Right, right?!
Short story: family arrangement, the son of my aunt's friend, freshly graduted from overseas, recently employeed in one of decent government places, highly educated, "broad-mineded", not bad looking, proper age and Taurus... what can I ask more?!
I insisted on an engegment, a long one -that wasn't very welcomed in my family- but i had every right to do so, i don't know the guy.. he doesnt know me as well... This was a condition before any move was to be taken and he was okay with it.
The engagment happened, everyone was happy that the rebellion girl was finally "almost" setteling down. Then things started to change...
"let's get married in two weeks!"
"I maybe studies abroad, but Im very (sharqy) tradition in kuwait, westren abroad"
"Why dont you wear Hijab?! Cause I have the right to ask you too and you must obey me"
"change your job"
We would agree on something, i find out later that he agreed with his "mother" on something else! Claiming that I want it that way!
Things got dirty, ugly and nasty!
He made me feel like a cheap meat, someone who is there only to obey him and satisfy his sexual needs. (PERIOD)
When i was 100% sure that this was his idea and only reason of marriage, i canceled it all! Blow out my family's dream of "settling down" and his dream of being his "slave".
What did i gain?! extreme self-respect! I didnt comply with the society image of a "successful girl" who should be married and has a family. I didnt comply with saying ظل راجل ولا ظل حيطة which means its better to be with a husband than single! I'd rather stay single for the rest of my life than be a slave to a retirded man!
I also learnt to stick to my dreams, no matter how silly or impossible they seem to others! if i believe in them, they will happen.
In my family perspective, i'm still rebellion... never cared, still proud and always will be for who i am!

Then came the getaway to Beirut... A summer to remember! Next Post :)
Mie Mie
wb :)