The Definition
Soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, often regarded as eternal. It is usually thought to consist of one's consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self. (Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Retrieved November 12, 2008.) WIKI
Lost is -most accurate definition- Unable to find one's way (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lost)
Lost Soul is -created by my humble analysis- is When your eternal living part is stuck in between two paths, unable to go back to where is was, and unable to find the way to move forward!!!
The Saga
How sad can one be when his soul is lost?!
yet how FOOL can one be when denying the soul lost?!
I believe all our souls are lost, between keeping up with traditions, most are useless and shamful, while the useful ones are slowly fading away!
Between baring with the political, economical, sportal -adry TYPO bs ertejal el qaseda ma6loob- and social turn down we all know, feel, sense, hear, and lately drink!
Baring with the educational, cultural, ethical ... endless BLEEDING!
Our souls are lost between earning for freedom yet captured by Islamicasim which is relating every single Atom to a religion they call Islam; and Islam is WAY to far from what they call!
Captured by the materialistic world we drag ourselves into!
Our souls are lost and sinking in the dirtiest way I have ever seen. Because some people don't know what's going to them and can't realize how dangerous it is to have a generation without a SOUL!
Soul is the spiritual or immaterial part of a living being, often regarded as eternal. It is usually thought to consist of one's consciousness and personality, and can be synonymous with the spirit, mind or self. (Encyclopædia Britannica. 2008. Retrieved November 12, 2008.) WIKI
Lost is -most accurate definition- Unable to find one's way (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/lost)
Lost Soul is -created by my humble analysis- is When your eternal living part is stuck in between two paths, unable to go back to where is was, and unable to find the way to move forward!!!
The Saga
How sad can one be when his soul is lost?!
yet how FOOL can one be when denying the soul lost?!
I believe all our souls are lost, between keeping up with traditions, most are useless and shamful, while the useful ones are slowly fading away!
Between baring with the political, economical, sportal -adry TYPO bs ertejal el qaseda ma6loob- and social turn down we all know, feel, sense, hear, and lately drink!
Baring with the educational, cultural, ethical ... endless BLEEDING!
Our souls are lost between earning for freedom yet captured by Islamicasim which is relating every single Atom to a religion they call Islam; and Islam is WAY to far from what they call!
Captured by the materialistic world we drag ourselves into!
Our souls are lost and sinking in the dirtiest way I have ever seen. Because some people don't know what's going to them and can't realize how dangerous it is to have a generation without a SOUL!
We have a lost soul when we position someone as an idol, forgetting that he/she are human beings and have their own flows!
And for sure, our souls are lost because we are far away from the most essential thing in ones life; a good, close relationship with our Creator
The Case
I know two deeply lost souls.
A guy who lost his way of getting good education, a stable family, a wise friend, a decent job.
A girl who lost her way in identifying her self between two contradictive parents; a libral mother and a conservative father.
Both lost their ways in realizing what is right for them...
Both isolated themselves from theis coas soicties...
Both were seeking for an idolistic IDOL...
And both denied the fact that they need help in finding the right way; even if the right path is right infront of their eyes!
Both were from two different places. But their insecurity brought them together.
They found in themselves what they both seek ... security
They started something they called "love" to maintain the state of security and satbility.
I know two deeply lost souls.
A guy who lost his way of getting good education, a stable family, a wise friend, a decent job.
A girl who lost her way in identifying her self between two contradictive parents; a libral mother and a conservative father.
Both lost their ways in realizing what is right for them...
Both isolated themselves from theis coas soicties...
Both were seeking for an idolistic IDOL...
And both denied the fact that they need help in finding the right way; even if the right path is right infront of their eyes!
Both were from two different places. But their insecurity brought them together.
They found in themselves what they both seek ... security
They started something they called "love" to maintain the state of security and satbility.
The Fear
The are not right for eachother
Two different socities
Two different cultures
Two different religion
Two different educational levels
One thing in common; they both have a lost soul
They don't care about their differences, as long as they are happy and living their day to the fullest!
They don't care about tomorrow
Or how bad this can turn out for both of them!
When I asked them: do you realize what you are doing?!
Both answered: Yes we know it is wrong
Mie wondered: then why do you keep on?!
Both hesitated then said: we don't know!
She and him are very ... out of reality
I am very worried for both,
when they wake up from their pink bubble and face the harsh reality; what will they do?!
How will they react to the fact that they are not meant to be at any chance!?
What can I do to assure less damage for both of them?!?!?
In the end...
When your soul is lost
and you know it is
even if you don't want to admit!
Try to keep it save
from deeper lose
which will become a deeper pain!
Thus, once your soul is bleeding from pain
it will be harder for you to pull it back together and
find its way... to a stable state!
P.S. (A Woman Torn Apart) will be out soon ;)
Mie Mie
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