Morning Shift
i hate morning shift, i hate morning shift, i hate morning shift, and i hate morining shift.
Did i make myself clear about work morning shift in Ramadan?! I don't think so!!! :@
that's better :D
The way you make mie ... swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY !
I am having a serious problem in forgetting and misplacing my things, mostly important things!
What would you if you lost your flash memory?! that doesn't only include family, friends, and your 500 + pictures, but also your Masters Studys projects and essays?!
Well, i broke down!
Shall I cry on the pictures that each one carrys a memory?!
Or my projects that holds my efforts and witness my success?!
Or my projects that holds my efforts and witness my success?!
Yes... I Broke Down!
And after cursing my luck -which isn't always bad. But I curse it when I am mad- i realize i have two choices:
A. Keep on crying and cursing?!
B. Get dressed and go to Fayouna's Ghabga?!
B. Get dressed and go to Fayouna's Ghabga?!
Few minutes of calm tears and cries passed; i heard a voice saying: "nothing is worth it! we will all end up dying and no one will care about your pics or projects"
As scary as it sounded; as funny! So i laughed ironically at what is going on with mie, and decided to...
Wash my teary red face, wear my training, turn my car on and drive to the salon to get my hair done for the Ghabga!
Got back home, dressed up, make up and head to Fayoun's place where I had so much fun!! Thanks Fayoun :*
All that happened while my parents and sisters shock from my quick and immediate mood swang!
I still don't know where or how did the flash disapear! But I have faith and sure I will find it sooner or later Enshallah, If not then it is "5era"
اللهم يا جامع الناس في يوم لا ريب فيه، اجمعني بضالتي يا رزاق يا كريم ... اللهم آمين
Enshallah Akbar t5aliny ANAAAAM!
I am in the middle of Room Renovation, and leading a Che Guevara Revolution -as a special person named it- in our house.
Onward, i will refer to renovation as RENO. and revolution as REVO.
Let mie introduce my partner in the renovation and revolution (RENO. & REVO.) ... Akbar - najar irany! Thanks to Her Highness Norah, who introduced him to mie and saved my RENO. & REVO. plans
He started with the huge closet that i hate the most in my room, smoothly and nicely he got rid of it :) Tomorrow he will bring a painter to paint my room... My RENO. & REVO. plans are successfully working, and Dad is successfully surrendering for them :D
What's the problem then?!
ABY ANAM! Since Akbar, my partner, started his part of the plan.. i never slept or took a nap! Ya3nee el youm elly kasar my closet, i had to go to work earlier.
Today, we are holding an urgent meeting to discuss the color of my room... ay sa3a?! He didn't define, but said "mn talata ns ela arba ana akun mawjod" LOL "i will pass by between 3.30 to 4PM"
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5 ! it is my nap time! 7aram 3alik ya akbar! Aby anam!!!
No one said that RENO. & REVO. success comes easy; there are fights and blood and injuries...
But it all ends up great! When I see my room decorated the way I want it to be not the way forced on mie!
Onward, i will refer to renovation as RENO. and revolution as REVO.
Let mie introduce my partner in the renovation and revolution (RENO. & REVO.) ... Akbar - najar irany! Thanks to Her Highness Norah, who introduced him to mie and saved my RENO. & REVO. plans
He started with the huge closet that i hate the most in my room, smoothly and nicely he got rid of it :) Tomorrow he will bring a painter to paint my room... My RENO. & REVO. plans are successfully working, and Dad is successfully surrendering for them :D
What's the problem then?!
ABY ANAM! Since Akbar, my partner, started his part of the plan.. i never slept or took a nap! Ya3nee el youm elly kasar my closet, i had to go to work earlier.
Today, we are holding an urgent meeting to discuss the color of my room... ay sa3a?! He didn't define, but said "mn talata ns ela arba ana akun mawjod" LOL "i will pass by between 3.30 to 4PM"
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5 ! it is my nap time! 7aram 3alik ya akbar! Aby anam!!!
No one said that RENO. & REVO. success comes easy; there are fights and blood and injuries...
But it all ends up great! When I see my room decorated the way I want it to be not the way forced on mie!
Twitter ... Twitt Mie
I am loving twitter, it is cute :D But I still don't know how to utilize all its benefits! I created the account, twitted, followed, and got followers... Still I have a feeling it is beyond that:
How can i join a discussion?! In fact how can I know what are the latest discussions?!
Any tips?!
Ramadan ,,, I love you but I am sorry!
For the first time in my life, i want Ramadan to end! I love fasting, I barely feel hungrey or tired, I love the spiritual sence, I love Ramadan ... But I hate:
1. Smoking people who don't smoke while fasting and they put all their anger out on anything! e.g. my dad! OFFFFFFF!!! you can't talk to him before fo6or, shabriit!!
2. TRAFFIC TRAFFIC TRAFFIC and endless TRAFFIC! WHY?! Can someone explain why it is so crowded all time during the day and night in Ramadan!? All streets are blocked! policemen are dorks, and people drive like porks!
3. Morning shifts! My boss changed my working shifts from afternon to morning :( and I hate morning shifts!
4. Crowd of series! what shall i watch?! all the good things are broadcasted at wrong time! I finally settle on فنجان الدم and I love Jamal Sleman!!! adry sury bs KEFY! ;p
Good question: why did I become EXTRA sensitive since Ramadan begun?! i don't stand a joke, arrgument, comment, critise... 3ala 6ool my tears fall and there is a 90% of a breakdown!! I have been like this since this Ramadan and I have no idea why!? Can someone explain?!
In the end; I would like to say for the occasion of el 3ashr el awakher...
In the end; I would like to say for the occasion of el 3ashr el awakher...
اللهم اعتق رقابنا واهلنا وذريتنا واخواننا المسلمين والمسلمات، الاحياء منهم والاموات، من نار جهنم وسوء العذاب
وتقبل طاعاتنا وعباداتنا وصالح اعمالنا
وارحمنا واغفرلنا واستر علينا وارزقنا من حيث شئت
فاتك انت الرحمن الغفور الستار الرزاق
واسكنا الجنة والفردوس الاعلى
اللهم امين
وتقبل طاعاتنا وعباداتنا وصالح اعمالنا
وارحمنا واغفرلنا واستر علينا وارزقنا من حيث شئت
فاتك انت الرحمن الغفور الستار الرزاق
واسكنا الجنة والفردوس الاعلى
اللهم امين
Mie Mie
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