Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 11

Enshallah the day goes as smooth as a body butter; not in the mood of another cat fight!

Oh! Coffee with Saja today... why am i so ... i don't know how I feel!!

Uff!! speaking about "i don't know how i feel" why do I have this weird feeling about

Prayers, thoughts and more thoughts run through my mind as i was driving to work, and without realizing, i reached the (Shenkoo) Department, parked my car and head to the office around 7:20 AM.

Of course it was too early for Nahed or Marwa to come. Turn on the PC, asked for coffee, took a deep breath, here goes a new day of my...

Marwa arrived at 7:35 she didn't greet, and immediatly sat on her desk. She seemed annoyed for seeing me arriving before her. Naive Nahed came at 8 sharp -hehe better than last time!

"Saba7 el 5eir" with her cheerful smile

"sba7 el nour" I replied with a smile

"hala2" Marwa said coldly

Nahed started talking about a wedding she is attending this weekend and doesn't know what to wear since she gain few extra bounds... Marwa didn't participate in the conversation while I gave her ideas on where to shop, makeup and hair.

The morning was weirdly calm; Nahed was between her gossips and documenting, I was working on Nahed's dump reports and Marwa remind quite most of the time... Is there a storm behind this silence?!

Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn ... Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn


"weinsh mamareteny el youm?! qahwetsh bredat!" Saja said

i didn't realize it was 11:30 am when she called; time really flow!

"mmm okay kany yaya bs a5ales el taqrer elly 3endy"

"okay.. an6ersh"

10 minutes later I gave Nahed the report, revised it, and excused myself heading to Saja's office.

Adry ena Nahed malha thanb, bs ehya leish tsa3edha oo tsulif ma3aha!! ba6a chabdy... welaht 3aliha bs magdar! Wayed metnarfeza mn ams oo ... ana a3alem hathy 3weesh lama yred '9ary!

:: Saja's Office ::

"3ala maw3edna el youm enshallah?!"

"ee.. tru7in Starboucs Sharq?!"

"mmmm ,, okay! ntelaga hnak 3gub salat el ma'3arb?"

"ee .. bagulsh shay!"

"sheno?! shfesh?!"
"Marwa wayed kanat sakta el youm! '3areba..."

"twaly, shufay el sekouty louty oo hathy mataby traseha 3ala baar, te7atheray mnha! Oo etha kanat nawya tshayesh '9ary 3alish, fa hatha mara7 yser la2any a3aref '9ary wayed 7agany oo mayertha bel thelm.

"lat 7ateen, ana ra7 akun ma3ash"she continued.

i just smiled and said "enshallah kheir".

Time passed so quick that it was 1:30 pm; when i went back to the office, signed out, and went home after a weird calm day!

After a quick normal lunch with mum and dad, I went to my room and turned on the TV. I didn't want to sleep so I thought of wasting some time with the one and only ...

"entay wensh me5tafiya mn zeman 3ansh!"

and before I say any word

"ya3nee etha ana ma2as2al 3ansh entay mates2lin?!?!?!"

"waaaay! Maryoumu al7in meno dag?! Ana daga!! Fa mumkn bedal el hawash nsulif methel el bachar el 6abi3iya?!"


"gelna 6abi3iya mu nafsiya!!! kefsh mara7 agulsh 7ushty ma3 a7mad oo mno sheft ams! Bye!"

"LA7THA LA7THA! leish t-hawashtay ma3 a7mad?! oo mno shefty al7in aby tefaseel!" she exsitdly said

"mu tawsh mnafsa?!" teasing her

"betgulun aw bayeesh akaf5esh!"

"HAHAHAHA! Enzin M7AMAD! 9abyak qe6a3! el muhm... Allah ysalmsh ams ana mnafsa 3ala A7mad 6oul el youm"

"leish shemsawee?!"

"Madry Maryoum,,, mn galy 3an Saja oo ana nagezny galby! A7es magaly kel shay oo aku sha'3lat 5ash-ha; ohwa 3nda sawabiq bhal swalif"

"ee athker salfat hathy Nejod elly ma3akm bel jam3a, ygulsh tserly oo tserly akher shay 6ela3 el a5 ykalemha!!"


A7mad has a black record when it comes to the "other" girls. From the day we met back in Universaty, I would meet a girl in a class or in family occasions, she would either be his "ex" or "just friend" or "2nd, 3rd, 10th cousin" ... And this "cousin" always ends up being another girl in his life!

"enzain oo sh9ar 3ugub?!" Maryam asked

"ma9ar .. 6ab3an ana magetla shely mthayegny 3ashan mandsh bchethbat ydida, bs getla eny knt ta3bana oo maly 5elg; oo tsala7na".

"oo tetwaq3in ena Saja laha 3elaqa ma3 a7mad?!" rising the question, and the doubts in me!

"tsadgin ma a7es! ehya sh5siyat-ha '3eir oo akbar mna eb cham sena... Bs el youm ba6la3 ma3aha oo benshuf mayat-ha"

"wein 3ala Allah oo meta?!" annoyingly asked Maryam

"Starboucs Sharq 3ugub el 5"

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 6el3ay ma3 el 3ethal!"

I laughed and said "lel7in madry etha ehya 3ethal aw la2 .. 5alina menhoum, matsadgen mno sheft ams?!"

"meno ba3ad?!"

"El mazyoun mal Sharq" i don't know why i called him mazyoun!!!


"Johnny Salmiya, oo zafeta!"

"ya bgara leeeeeeeeeeeish?!"

"la2ena kan yaby yrakmny oo mesak el bab oo aflam 3agad! Oo kanat ma3ay Rawan 7ady tewahagt! ma3eraft shloun atsaraf fa zafeta"

"oo tgulin 3any 9abyak! bs zain tsaween feih; kel hal 7alat oo heligy! Sej el 7elu mayakmel!"

"ohwa mu helegy, bs yaby yrakemny" why am i defending him?! MADRY!!


"ha?!" with an innocent voice

she shocked my world with "shaklsh mu3jaba feih!"

"laa shaku?!" i yelled

"dafa3tay 3anah oo ohwa mu heligy... shsalftsh?!"

"waaaaaaaaaaaaay maryoom madry shfeeny! Bs shefta 7ashny e7sas 7elo oo estanast, oo bs zafetah thag 5elgy oo ..."

"Oo shenu?!" she interrupted

"OO madry Maryoum! sej madry shfeny!!! Awal mara a7es chethy ma3 a7ad '3eir A7mad, ya3ny entay tadren eshkethr a7eba oo mat5ayal nafsy ma3 wa7ed thany '3era... Bs hal mazyoun madry shemsawy feny!" I let it out... partly!

"ymkn la2enkm tmrun eb fatrat malal 3a6ify!"

"malal 3a6ify sheno ba3ad?!"

"ya3nee entay maletay mn routine 3elaqatkm.. 3awash, entay t3arfin A7mad mn tagreban 5 snin, oo maretaw bwayeed ashya2 ma3 ba3ath... el 3elaqa etha mafeha ta'3eir, el 6arafin ymilon..." she explained

"oo sheno el ta'3yer elly teqtar7ina?!" i sarcastically asked

"el zawaj!"


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

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