He hang up the phone! SERIOUSLY?!?!? A3almk ya a7mad! ya ana ya enta!!!!
I was so mad from his attitude with me; I didn't say anything yet he burst in my face and went crazy for no reason! There must be something he is hiding that made him become so angry.
I parked my car in Sharq Cinema parking, entered from the Big Water Clock entrance and headed to Starbucks to find Saja in a orange short sleeves, oval neck shirt and a jeans sitting in one of the round tables facing the Clock.
I smiled at her and said "Masa2 el kheir"
Saja sttod up "Masa2 el ward" cheek kiss "esh-hal 7eloo?! tshawgin!" she said
"tamam" i replied "tabin neg3ad bara?! el jaw wayed 7eloo!" I suggested; actually I needed fresh air!
she smiled and said "ee sure, bs na6lub awal"
I ordered my Caramel Mochiato, Saja had American Coffee, pick the order and went outdoor.
"6awalt 3alsh?!" I asked her
"la2, ana dashit gablsh beshway" she said
"aha zain ashwa la2eny ma7eb at2a5ar 3an mwa3edy" i know i sound like an old woman. BS WALLAH MALY 5ELG -- OFF mnk ya A7mad! :(
"la mathbu6a" she smiled; killing me with her kindness!
The conversations were weirdly ackward; talking about work and people at work.. more talks about work when Saja said...
"Waaay! Basna sawalf 3an el dawam! sarlena nes sa3a bs dawam oo dawam! Yalla subject change; shloun 7ayatsh el 3a6ifiya?!"
What a great subject to talk about!
"hahaha! ay 3a6ifiya?! maku la 3a6ifiya wla 3a6ify!" in a way it sounded true! there is no romance in my relationship with elly mayetsama!
"leeeeeeish?! kel hal zain oo el 7alat maku 3a6ifiyat?! Ma asadeg!!" She said
"Wallah!" sipping my coffee "aslan ana hal mawal maydesh mukhy! You can say i am a bit complicated"
"I see.. so you never been in a serious relationship?!" Saja asked
"nope! enough about me, what's up with your love life?!" trying to change the subject, somehow!
She took a deep breath and flashed me with a smile "Well... i was engaged to someone before i fly to Egypt; knt a3arfa mn ayam el thanawiya, mn el 3ayla oo kan fy bena mmmm .. tegdrin tsamina 7ub el 6ufola"
"enzain..." That's interesting! I wonder who!!!
"Ohwa kan akbar mny eb sintain, oo yadres fy koliyat el thuba6, 3askary... Bs tekharajt mn el thanawiya, teqadamly... bs 3ugub farkashna" she said
He is not A7mad for sure "leish farkashtaw?!"
"ma retha adres fy Ma9er; yabiny adsh ma3had bu sentain oo ana yayba nesba eda5ilny 6ib! Tekhayilay!!!"
"mn seja!?" I was shocked, how can a man be so selfish?! "ohwa makan yadry ensh tabin tru7in Ma9er aw tabin tkamlin derastsh?!" I asked
"Emballah, oo hathy el mushkila, kan ma5ethny 3ala gad 3agly, telling me that elly tabina basawee! Bs tekhrajt, galy maku jam3a ya ma3had ya matadrisin!" She said
"oo shsawetay?!"
"6ab3an farkashna el mawthoo3 kela, oo 3ama b3eina a5arny course 3an taqdem el jam3a.. I was so depressed, bs Oboy galy ru7ay Ma9er la2en ohwa dares hnak.. Fa gadamt oo derast oo te5arajt!" Smilling with pride
"zain tsaween! Bs ohwa shsar feih?!"
"7athreta mat lama dera eny re7t Ma9er, chan ytzawaj wa7da mn el ahal kanat mayta 3alih! He has 3 kids mnha bs awal maradit mn Ma9er, maat yaby ykalmny oo ana marethet!"
"3eina guweya! shyaby?!"
"mawal: ana a7bsh entay, maby '3ersh... oo 7achy fathy!!" she took a deep breath and contiued "ana wagfta 3end 7ada, mu 3ashan shay.. bsara7a ohwa awal 7ub fy 7yaty oo kebart 3ala eda, fashel tajrubty feih 5alatny an3zel 3a6ifiya 3an el riyayeel. Bs maretheet la2ena ohwa e5tar fa yet7amal natejat e5tiyara".
I was amazed of her emotional idology or let's say (way of thinking)! Four two reasons: 1st it is very mature and independent which shows a woman's cabapilities in love and how she can control her emotions if she wants to. 2nd she is not A7mad's type; so he won't fall for a woman like Saja! Unless ...
"wayed kebartay b3eny ya Saja! Ana a3aref wayed banat dasaw 3ala Karamt-hm 3ashan rayal bs qila ohma elly methlish. Bs ma3qoola wa7da methlsh ma3ashat shay 3a6ify ma3 a7ad 3ugub ... shesma?!"
"hehe Nawaf!"
"ee .. mmm fa ma kan fy shay?!" i coriously asked
"akeed kan fy; bs wayed knt atradad fy bediyat el 3elaqa, bs3din tamshy el 2umor 3ady.. then we reach to a dead end! Bs wala a7ad fehum kan mn el 3ayla, la mn greeb wla b3eed!" she said, shutting up my doubt and thoughts of the idea of (a7mad + Saja = ???)
"a7sanlsh! aslan 3elaqat el ahal dayman fyha meshakel 5asa etha teda5elaw el ahal feha!" I said
"3ala gultsh ... " Saja commented
The rest of the evening was smooth; we talked about studying abroad and how it was my dream, traditions, families...
2 hours passed so quick that we didn't realize, we both enjoyed our time.
"esa3a betseer 8 oo e7na lel7in 3ala cup of coffee!" Saja said laughing
"EE tsadgin! ma7aseit bel wagt! i think it is time to say see you tomorrow" i winked
"hehe ee ba3ad 3ala ma nosal el beit, sarat 8:30 ya doob nla7eg nakel legma oo enam 3ashan dawam bachr" she said
We both stood up, grabbed our bags and went toward indoor
"wein saf6a?!" I asked Saja
"Soob Sultan Centre, i need to get some stuff on the way out" Saja said "oo entay b3eed?!" she asked
"la2 ehny" pointing at the gate behind the water clock
"okay 3ayal.. i had fun wayed ma3ash oo wayed erte7tlsh akthar mn gabl!" She said smiling
"me too wallah; ashufsh bachr enshallah!" we kissed cheeks and each one of us went into her own destined direction
2 hours passed ... were enough to wash away my doubts toward Saja and A7mad
2 hours passed ... i got to know this sweet lady who i met randomly and for the most anonymous reason she cares about me
2 hours passed ... no sound of A7mad
2 hours passed ... no sound of A7mad
The rest of the evening was smooth! I reached home, chatted with mum, had a salad for dinner then went up for a quick relaxing shower and relaxed on bed.
It was 10:30 pm when I wanted to call Maryoum. But...
7ady ta3bana oo aby anam, bachr bs agulsh sheno 9ar
g.n. xoxo
1 Text Message Recieved
5amdat el 3afya! aslan ana ta3bana oo aby anam
love ;**
Adry wayed dafsha, bs a7ebha ;)
and just when I was about to dip into my dreams .......
Bsmellah El Ra7man el Ra7eem!
To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart
Mie Mie
I am so into your story, it brings me to reality somehow ;)
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work..
waiting for the next part to be released! =)
i wonder what was this 6AAAAAAAAAAAKH all about ;p
Jana.. ;**
ReplyDeleteSweetie, im glade you liked the story :) Well it is a true story of a lady i know but i changed some minor stuff ;)
Enshallah the next part will be out during the weekend .. and u never know what could be hidden ;)
keep in touch :***
Ohh good to know it seems so interesting to me ;)
ReplyDeleteso excited to know what's hidden =D
cant wait to see ur next post !!
;**** Jana..