Monday, September 24, 2012


تباً ...

لغرورك الكاذب
لروحك النزقة
لقلبك التائه
لعقلك العابث
لجنونك الماجن
وشهوتك المصطنعة
لجحودك الدائم
لسانك السام
غضبك المقرف
مزاجيتك العاته
ضحكتك الساخرة
حزنك الاسود
بؤسك الأزلي
ودفئ حضنك
إدمان قبلتك
عذوبة إحساسك
شغف انفاسك

وحبك المؤلم حد الروعة...
الف تباً للأخيرة!

Mie Mie

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Toxic Love

When I see her .... I smell you
When she talks ... I see you
When she smiles ... I feel you
and when she sigh ... You shine from her breath!

I know she feels the same when she sees me
You are horrible ... horrible for letting us meet
Horrible for letting us be friends and you knew we would get along
Horrible for enjoying the scene of two women in love with you, friends and don't have a clue
Or maybe you know we do!

Still ... I can't manage to hate you
Hating you will make me weak, and the last thing I need is weakness
So I keep you near
Cause you pain -and I am good at that!
I become stronger watching you get weaker and weaker...

Because you are still causing me so much pain with your "left overs" , I want to be the only one who make you suffer, like no one did before, If I fail in making you love me, I won't fail in making you hate me to a loving point!

... That's how much I love"d" you, to a toxic extend
I'm keeping you to make me ............ stronger!

Mie Mie