Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Closure

It does get worst..

When you stop caring
Or missing!
If you stop asking or talking,
When your heartbeat is back to normal & you back to your old routine of life...

If the feelings are still
If the love is not going on

When you put on a straight face for remembering his cute-little-things, not a smile!

When you stop gazing emptiness picturing his face shining from the none!

When nothing reminds you of him, and he starts vanishing in your past!

It gets worst...
Because you know it is over, but you are waiting for a closure!


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Side Tweet

There's something about you that keeps this heart beating!


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Hate You & the World!

No it's not a suicidal letter, I just hate you & the world!

No one can disagree we live in a hypocrite, artificial, shallow, filled with lies & deceives, where years of friendship can vanish away in seconds and a 50 years old mother thinks she's still in her 20s trying to catch with "men" she missed and a 60 years old father lives in an eternal box and teen lost between her sexual identity and a religious questioning religion and a woman selfishly destroying a paper-made "home" of him & her with kids, and a wife cheating on her womanizer husband and a liberal fearing death because his thoughts and an artist confused between ART and MONEY and ...

On top of all that , comes you and your depression points, your downs, swing moods, your neglect, careless, selfishness, illness, your parents & friends, your existence question, your spaces, cigarettes, cars, wealth and....

I don't care about all that, may it all burn, but I can't live in a fucked up world plus deal with your distance! I just can't !

So at this moment,
Specific day & date,
I must say it clear... I hate you and the world too!

Thank you!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hole in the Soul

It hurts...

When I ask you for the least thing & you barely make it happen,
And most of the times, u don't!
Yet when you want anything, I make sure it happens!

Because I don't guarantee a tomorrow with you, so I love you everyday like it's the last in my life!

And you ... Don't seem to realize that one day, I won't be around you!

This doesn't hurt, it creates a hole in my soul!!


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Wrapped in Your Arms

If only your arms can wrap me hard
Close to your soul where I feel we're one...

I don't miss you when I breath or blink
I don't miss you when I sigh
Neither in my silence or talks..
You don't cross my mind every second of the day
nor my day & night dreams ...

You reached a level of live that goes beyond ordinary & logic!

You are my vision & heartbeats
My thoughts
My calm & mad
You are my seconds, hours, days & time
My falling tear & genuine smile
In other words.. You are my all!

You reached a level of live that goes beyond ordinary & logic!

You are my vision & heartbeats
My thoughts
My calm & mad
You are my seconds, hours, days & time
My falling tear & genuine smile
In other words.. You are my all!

I miss you when you hug me
Close to your heart
Where I hear it's beats, feel the rush of your blood & warmth!

I miss you when you look at me & smile

I miss your love & desire

It's an endless "Miss-List" yet I need to let some show!

How I feel is not only a need.. I want it & I want it with you...

I don't know how to end this piece, I don't want to!

If only I am in your arms right now, i will sneak to your ears & whisper "I Love you"


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