Monday, December 14, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- Backward!

Quick flash back; in case you forgot what's going on:

  • 2001 New Year Party was a blast! Everyone was there; we had so much fun.

  • Family men were at the camp.

  • A7mad was partying in the shalleh; and he sent me the sweetest message for New Year.

>> some where in 2004 <<

"mama ... mama!"


her angelic baby voice said "mama gumee! kalty 7essa tabee"

"ok mama al7in agoom; wein o5ooch?!"

"sleep" putting her cute hands on top of each other, under her cheeks & closing her eyes, acting Khalid's sleep.

I smiled and kissed her cheeks

"Yalla mama gumeeeeee!" she said with a louder tone!

"enzain... enzain!" stretching my arms, looking at the clock, it was 10:30 am.

I got up and baby Rana left the room, had a quick shower to freshen up and went out to the living room, where my baby girl Rana was playing peacefully with her dolls.

I sat on the sofa and asked her "mama Rana, wein khaltch 7essa?!"

"sawat alo; oo galat gumee mama 3aysha" she replied

I sarcastically said "gumee mama 3aysha?! 7abibty esmha ga3day mama 3aysha"

"gaaa' ... dee " my cute thing was trying!

I laughed and she got upset! "mama! aloo kalty 7esa!" she turn around and continued playing

"enshallah 3amty Rana!!" i kept on laughing

I dialed 7essa's mobile number and waited for her to pick up the phone...

"aloo!" she said

"halaa2 7esaa shlounch?!"

"9a7 el noom 3aysheen! 3ayara bntch 9arat tred 3ala el telephone! 3eshtaw oo tguly mama sleep!" said 7essa

"ee smelah 3aliha; lata7sdeen benty thekray Rabch!" teasing her!

"mashallah! chebaa7!" she laughed then asked "agool 3awash, betyiin esteqbal Faroo7 bnt 3amty?!"

"ee baroo7 ... nru7 ma3a ba3ath?!" i asked her

"ee leish la2, a9lan ana makent baroo7 broo7y!" she said

"haaw leish?! She5a oo Dana mara7 yroo7un?!" i wondered

"el dectorah 3ndha 3amaliyat madry shenu! oo el muhandesa matadry wein twady 3yalha la2ena omy ma taby troo7 oo malha 5elg yahal" replied 7essa

"enzain sh3endch al7in?! mureny 5an sulif shway..." i suggested

"tawny 6al3a mn el jam3iya, el yahal bel madresa, wein raylch?!" she anxiouly asked

"msafer! yalla ta3alay 7e9oo!" i begged her

"enzain enzain kany yayah!"

we ended the call and I went to kitchen to prepare some tea and coffee for the (Chay Th7a) catch up with my sister. Rana was still playing with her dolls and Khalid was peacfully sleeping.

15 minutes later


I opened the door and 7essa was standing with a box of cake from Mr. Baker, we kissed cheeks and she came in.

"leish kalaftay nafsch?! matyoozin!?"

"el cake latheeth ma3 el chay! yalla 9ubely"

Rana approached 7essa with a shy smile and kissed her cheeks -- so adorable! and stood in her place.

"ya ba3ad qalbi dala3 el banat!" 7essa said as she kissed Rana

i smiled and said to Rana "yalla mama ru7ay le3bay"

She went back to her dolls as we started talking...

"betyeeb el dala3 min meno '3erch!?" said 7essa

"t-hageen?! ya3ny mu min Walid!?" i said with a yellow bitter smile

"Oboha!! wein shaf el dala3! hatha de3la,, Ana bs bafham.... shloun rethatay ta5thena?!?!? madry!!"

i took a deep breath and ....


>> May 2001 <<

"yuma, metqadmlch wa7ed!"


"Walid Al ****"

"wein yshte'3el?!"

"thabi6... 3awash bnaity, Oma dagat maretiin el yum, el walad shakla y3arfch oo 5a6ra feech!"

"ma aby thabi6!"

"Ya yuma el thabi6 rayal shayel nafsa oo ysheel murta oo beita, raza oo sana3"

"oo nafsa b5ashma oo mala 5elgy! ysawely 3asker fy el mu3askar?!!!" i said

My mum laughed and said "3awaaash! Allah yeg6a3 bleesch!"
"Ya yuma, hatha 3 3aris tarftheen hal sena bedoon latshofina?! leish ya yuma, tara el bent kel makbarat kel maqalat for9ha bel zwaj... Oo entay je3dty oo aby afra7 mench gabel la amout oo ashoof a7fady" she contiued with a eyes full of tears.

I see this scenario everytime someone propose!

"Yuma ... madry leish taglbinha mana7a kel ma teqadamly wa7ed! ana ma aby atzawaj!" i affirmed

"hathy 7achwat o5ooch Ghazy oo zain meny met7amlita, mara7 asketlich nafsa oo a5elch 3ala kefch! betshofin el walad ya3ny betshofin el walad!!" She got up from the sofa heading to the kitchen ... i supposed

she suddenly stopped, turned around me and said "ely yabch, 3iyat nafsch teb'3a, oo ely tabina, 3iya el ba5at 2eeyebah! oo mara7 2eeyebah!" and went out side the living room.

and she was right!
To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart
tell mie what you guys think?!?!?! it is very important to know if you like the backward style. Adry it may be confusing to some of you, that's why i need to know what you guys think (like/dilike)
luv you all & sorry for taking forever to post the new part :*
Mie Mie

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My Trip to REUSE

I step by the REUSE Exhibition at Avenues D9 parking to support a friend, a 3aziz 3alay friend!

So i snap some pics bs I will post....

My Favorite Reuse Project:

The smoking project! I love the concept, the contributors << you guys ROCK! Check out the new issue of Students Talk for more info ;)

My Friend's Contribution "Graffiti"

For more creative artworks, checkout his blog:

Best Part!

Guess who i saw?! Teddy! 7ady i'm a fan of him & his courage behind the sense friend :)
>> Sorry Teddy's friend, I couldn't take a pic of Teddy -it was very crowded!- so i took this pic from your blog -- eeeh thowy!

If you didn't go... you missed on seeing how creative the young Kuwaitis are!

Mie Mie

Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Mie, Happy Eid and Randomly Randoms

>> Happie Birthday to Mie <<
~$$~ CHA CHA CHA ~$$~

My birthday was on November 19th two weeks ago; and it was a BLAST! hehe in a good way :D
i got three birthday cakes (i will post pics soon) :

1 was a surprise birthday celebration from my closest and most loved group of sabaya! Norah, Delu, Nouf, Sends & Amoon :**
1 was from my aunt Amoonah to celebrate the birthday of my grand mother and I; we share the same birthday date :D
1 was from the one and only, cuppie :***

My birthday gifts were:
Blackberry Curve GEMINI! i love it i love it i love it!
Cute stuff for my room from Marks & Spenser
Swaroviski Christmas rings
Cartier pink key chain & pink pen
A crystal necklace from Granny :*
A picture portrait of mie :*

My adventure was:
A lovely one day trip to Bahrain with Cuppie :* -hehe re7t checking 3ala resalty oo 3ugub celebrate my birthday at Lilo's YUM YUM FOOD!
Not to mention, we both shopped til we drop :D

I want to thank everyone who wished mie a happy birthday and called, SMSed, facebooked, bbmed, twittered or even emailed! You draw a smile on my face ... love you all

>**> Happy Late Eid ;p <**<

First: عيدكم مبارك وكل عام والجميع بخير ولا وانها متأخرة
2nd: i spent the entire Eid in shalleh with family and relatives :* the weather was beyond fabulous; i had so much fun :)

How did you guys celebrate your Eid?! Anyone traveled?! Shalleh or Mu5ayim?! Kanat el 3i6la 3ajeeba mu?! ;p
However you celebrated it, i wish you had fun and it was a blessing time for you and your family :)

>>> Randomly Randoms :*** <<<


i took my time in thinking about the coming parts of the story, and i thought about this crazy idea which i want to share with you and know your opinion about it -you're reading the story ;)

SO... i thought about flipping the story events! Ya3ny, abalch min nihayat el qi9a, oo bedal la tfakroon sheno ra7 y9ir, abikom tfakroon SHLOUN 9AR CHTHY! la2ena el 3ebra mu bel nihaya, el 3ibra fy el shay elly sawa el nihaya; oo hatha elly aby awa9la

So my A WOMAN TORN APART readers and my blog's reader, what do you think?! Shall i start with the result all the way to the how?! Or, keep the flow of events as they are (how then result)?!

Vote and you choose :)

My Studies

Okay, it is about to say it loud, i am doing my Masters in Bahrain! I am almost done, but I am in the process of writing the Thesis. In fact, i am in the first step of writing the Thesis :S
I started one year ago, and I am happy that I took this decision. It changed my life in a good way. Yes! Sometimes i scream and ask myself "what was I thinking!?!?" because it isn't easy as people think -because it is in Bahrain and all the ciaos about it!- But i gather myself with the support of people who love mie, and I continue in it.

So, if i ever disappear for a while or stop blogging, passing by to my loved blogs and commenting, I am not being rude, I am just too busy to step by the place I love the most in the cyber world, my blog & you guys :***

Oo SalAmtKoM :*

Waiting for votes on A WOMAN TORN APART twist of events; posting the next part depends on how quick you guys vote ;p

love you all and miss you all loads!

Mie Mie

Monday, November 23, 2009

I am sorry

This post is a dedication to someone very special to mie...

I am sorry for the way I am,
I couldn't find a better way to start this post,
Direct, simple and straight to the point!

Yes my dear, I am sorry for the way I am
acting rudely lately
and cold when ever we talk about "us"

"US" is something I never saw happening
for so many reasons we both know and very aware of
However, "US" forced it self on both of us
smoothly and gently... it blend in our lives.

For some reason, I didn't fight the flood
the revolution of emotions
it simply felt ... right? nice? secure? all and more!

It is like a birthday celebration, everything about it is fascinating
but once the night is over, and a new day rise
all the fascination is over, and we are left with nothing but memories!

To move on, I need to be cruel to myself
step on my heart and let go of my emotions
All that to be able to start a new "US" but not with you
to pretend that the new "US" is what I want
along comes with it a false happiness, satisfaction and maybe love
and ignore the fact that the new "US" is forced

Or maybe not

it was a waking alarm from a beautiful dream
A dream i intend to be mie and loved everything about it

and here comes another sorry
for not fighting this dream from the very beginning
for closing my eyes and allow myself to dream
though we both knew, or at least I did, that this dream won't ever come true

If you ever read this,,

Sorry for forcing an anger on myself
Sorry for the attitude
And sorry for the waste of your time...

But I'm not sorry for what I shared with you
Or for the time I spent with you
and never sorry for the dream I loved with you!

P.S. I wish things were different my "best thing i ever have in my life"

Mie Mie

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

11/11/2009 - 11/11/1962

A very quick post & an urgent urge...

Today at "Sa7at Al Erada" there will be a festival to celebrate The National Day of The Kuwaiti Constitution originated by Sout El Kuwait. From 5:30 PM to 10:00 PM

A great reason to celebrate our pride of Democracy Deceleration in Kuwait.

For more info check Sout Al Kuwait site:

Source: مدونة بيت القرين

P.S. I know I've been a very bad blogger lately; but promise I will be back soon :***

Mie Mie

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 15 (B)

It was Sunday, December 31st 2000

Few people came to work that day; Nahed of course was one of the people who didn't come! Marwa excused her self to leave early, and I left at 1pm since there was nothing to do! I needed time to prepare myself for tonight.

" HAAAA! el youm el 7afla?! ras el sena?! 3eshtaw!"

"ee 5alina nestanis! Awal mara nsawee 7aflat ras sena! 7ada metshawga!"

"Allah ytamim 3alikm yam3atkm enshallah.. 7abibty"

I laughed!

"shfesh teth7kin?!" A7mad asked

"7asastny enk shayeb!" I teased

"ya 7elwch lama teth7kin! 3ezamtay couzinty?!"

"EE 3ezamt-ha!"

"zain, 3ashan a3aref el a5bar!"

"i won't even comment on that! Enta betru7 el challet?!" I asked

"ee el shabab metyam3in hnak, mshawee oo the7k... banam hnak tara!"
informing me

"mmm adry, a9lan a7san 3ashan darab el leil ye5are3... enzain ana we9alt 3end Maryoum; talk to you later!"
i said

"okay 7abibty, deraw balkoum!"
He said then hang up!

I passed by Maryoum & Rawan, headed to the salon to get our hair done. They both had there outfits to change at my house after we finish from the salon.

We finished around 5pm; went home feeling so excited for tonight! Made sure that everything is prepared and well done before we get dressed.

I wore a strapless, short gray dress, smoky eye make up & a red lipstick. Maryoum wore short sleeves, mid length roses dress. And Rawan wore a short tight black skirt with a purple & black tiger strips, oval neck, short sleeves top.

Both Maryoum and I blew dried our hair, Rawan curled it.

Dana wore an adorable flow, yellow short dress with a red bow in the front. Her hair was up and wore red accessories. 7essa wore a brown, short sleeves, long length silk dress with her mid length hair left down in a nit style.

She5a was the shock! She cut her short,, really short!!! i mean BOB haircut! she looked so sexy the family Dr. with a short, glittery tight black dress!

"She5ooo! shenu hatha?!" 7essa's eyes popped when She5a came downstairs!

"new look for new year"
said She5a with a full of a confidence smile!

"5alty She5a 7adch tshawgiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin!"
Rawan said

"EE mashallah 7elwa 3alch el gassa"
Maryoum said

i stood there speechless! Mashallah she look gorgeous !

"mashkourin! 7abit asawiha mufaja2a, 3abdallah yadree eny gaseta bs mashafny lel7in!"
She5a said

"Allaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! new look!"
Dana excitedly yelled while coming down and holding a dessert dish!

I walked to get the dish from Dana, placed on the table and finally said "She5a! t-hablin!"

"hehe; thanks sis!"
she blushed

"new look oo new year oo 5arabii6!"
7essa complained

"HAHAHA! ehya lel7in me7tara 3al 50 dinar malout 3awashy!"
Dana teased 7essa!

"chub! Aslan ana 3a6it om lsan 3ashan matlawe3 chabdy mu 3ashan el rehan! ba3din kelaha 50 dinar! shenu ya3nee?! helag!!!"
7essa said

We all laughed!

Guests started coming at 8 PM; Lamya & Souha had to complain at every single thing, but no one would listen to them except She5a -maskena!

Lights were dim, music was getting louder and mum seemed very proud from how we planned the party! She was smiling all the time and showing off between her sisters & friends! Mum is so cute!

Rawan asked some her teenage friends over, so we had to dance on teenagers songs! Of course the baby girls were with us in the party, and the boys at the camp with the men!

The party was so amazing! We would dance, while my old woman would pick up wifies for their sons! Chena 3ers hehe ;p

Saja came around 9:30 PM wearing a cocktail short dress

"3asa mate2a5art?!" kissing cheeks while she was holding a dish!

"la ma6afech shay!" then i looked at her dish and said "lesh mkalfa nafsch?!"

"la 3ady, hathy pasta with mushroom & white sauce; enshallah ta3jebkoum!" she said

"Ma Asadeg! ba3din azefch! ta3alay a3arfch 3ala mum oo 5awaty!" i said

We went to the basement where I put the plate with the other dishes & walked with Saja to meet mum & my sisters.

"Yuma! Hatha Saja sadeeqty bel dawam!" I introduced them to each other

"Mashallah 3alech!" mum said while greeting her "nesma3 3anch oo a5eran shefnach!"

Saja blushed and said politely "7ata ana 5alty; 3awash wayed tsulef 3ankoum!"

"shloun 3weesh ma3akoum?!" mum asked trying to open a conversation with Saja !!

I interfered "Yuma! mu waget el as2ela, ba3arefha 3ala 5awaty!"

"enzain yuma, fir9a sa3eda 7abibty yallah estansaw!" mum said

"Ana as3ad 5alty!" Saja replied

I introduced Saja to my three sisters, and there children. Sat with Maryoum who was with my other friends, I introduced them all together.

"Wien Rawan?!" Saja asked me

"hathy elly targe9 hnak labsa tanora soda gsera!" I replied

"Esmellah 3aliha mazyouna!" Saja said

I pointed at Rawan to come over..

"Rawan hathy sadeqty bel dawam; Saja"

"hala 5alty shlounch?!" they shocked hands

"adry eny kbira bs 5alty 3ad?!" Saja joked

"ba3ad, te5ayilay ena refijtch matertha anadiha 3awash! tgul prestige!" Rawan said!

HOW Embarrassing?!

"3eshtaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!" Saja commented and stared at me!

"Rawan! 7sabch ba3din, ru7ay yenay!!" I said pretending to be mad! ;p

"okay aunty, bs mayloug tsawin ru7ch m3asba!" she flashed us a smile and continued dancing!

"Oo ehya el 9ajah! maylooooooooooooooooooog!" Saja said

"waaaaaaaaaaaay! kaletouny!!" i yelled then we all laughed!

When it was 11 PM; we all headed to the buffet for dinner. Everything was a true YUM YUM! From salads & soups since it was cold, to chicken & meet, salmon & shrimps! Not to mention the desserts! Another success to 7essa!

An hour passed so quick; at 11:50 PM some of my mum friends said loudly:

"kel wa7da tshuf meno thakerha hal leila?! 6al3aw hal m'3arbal oo egroolina!"

Thats when Dana stood in the middle of the hall and jokingly said "may9eer! ana ba6afy el litat 3ashan elly telefonha ysheb, n3aref ena fy Romeo aw Qayes 3end el 3ayayez, tethakarha!"

"Bar3a bntch Ya Om S3ood!" my mum's friend teased!

Mum laughed and said "ba3ad 5elgat Rab el 3alamin; Allahouma la e3terath!"

"kel el muraheqat oo el a6fal yugfoun bel ne9 oo y3doun!" Dana demanded; and all the teens & tween gathered in the middle, while Dana switched off the lights!

"Yallah 3edaw!" She asked them

The seine was amazing! girls counting down, ladies holding their mobiles waiting for the "Happy New Year" message or call!

"... five, four, three, two, one .... HAPPY NEW YEAR" all the girls said at once!

You can hear so many mobiles ringing and beeping! It seemed that most of the women & ladies got a greeting from someone; and we all greeted each other.

The night was finally over; everyone left and my sisters stayed to sleep over! It was a wonderful night.

New Year Eve would never be an ordinary night; especially that year, 2001!

A year when everyone's life changed

A year when I realized how empty my life is

A year of my inner revolutions; and some of my biggest mistake I regret all my life!

If I knew we were celebrating a year full of pain & tears & miseries; I wouldn't celebrate it!

If I knew I was celebrating a year of fake masks falling down; I wouldn't celebrate it!

If I knew I was celebrating a year when I took the most painful decision, when I found so many hurtful truths, I wouldn't celebrate it!

I wish I could turn back time and stop it at that night

If I knew that 2001 was the year were I got torn apart; I would ....

1 Text Message Received

كل سنة وانت بخير يا غازي :*

1 Text Message Received

:* وانتي بخير %#$ي

1 Text Message Received

Happy New Year Babe.. A7bch ;***

1 Text Message Received

love you too xoxo


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

A Woman Torn Apart -- 15 (A)

"shfee wayhech ta3ban?!" asked Saja

"ams kan wayed loya oo 3afsa" i replied

my eyes were redish, darkness around them and my face looked pale! I didn't sleep well and I have no clue how I went to work

"3asa ma shar?!" she was concerned

"el shar ma eyeesh; bs O5oy sawa 7adeth ams 3end bab betna!" i said

"ambeih! shloun?!"

"Wa7ed dash el frej mn jeha thanya, mesre3 oo chena e5tarab breaka; he lost control on his car, oo 6ela3 Ghazy eb wayha... oo da3amaw" I explained

Saja's eyes poped put "Oo 3asa ma9ar fy shay?!"

"la bs ratha bra9a.. El 7amdillah"

"eeh el 7amdillah! ya 3umry 5a6ach el su"

"5a6ach el laash" I said with a smile; how kind is this lady with me?! :) I like how she doesn't ask too many questions about a certain thing... mu malgufa!

What was remaining of the week passed with nothing new; people from everywhere visited our house to console my parents for 3 days! The house was packed with mum's sisters, relatives, sisters in law and her friends. While our Diwaniya was crowded with men who knew dad or my brothers. My sisters visited us more than usual as wll as my BOMA brothers stood by dad.

Of course the weekly gathering was -as usual- packed with nephews, nieces, my brothers' wives as well as my sisters' husbands. Mashallah everyone was there to support mum and dad as well as checking on Ghazy, 7abib el jamee3, who was recovering ;)

Work was calm too! Same routine forced it self for 3 weeks. My boss, '9ary, extended his vacation to 2nd week on January. Marwa was weirdly silent but I didn't care; in fact it felt better to have her mouth shut for a while!

Nahed, on the other hand, would have an occasion or event to attend, EVERY WEEKEND! Mashallah she is a social bee with "less luck in men" as she descripes.

Saja was the same, adorable and sweet! I finally arranged a catch up between Saja and Maryoum, they seemed to like each other and got along well. We would go out every weekend for dinner at T.G.I FRIDAYS, cinema at Sharq and coffee at one of the Starbucks.

A7mad and I... well you can say that things were "fine" nothing new in our relationship and weirdly no fights! He gets frustrated when I hang out in the weekend, but once he hears Saja's name, he calms down saying:

"Dam Saja ma3akoum, ana a6aman!"

Believe me, you don't want to hear the cracky lousy excuses for what ever he says!

Every year, we celebrate New Year Eve ever in Challet or Camping. This Year, Dana -who is pregnant in her 2nd month with a second baby- proposed to throw a party at our basement. At first, mum disagreed and went crazy for the proposal, but when Dana said...

"Om S3ud el Na7s! el 7afla betkoun bs ahalna, ya3nee 5alaty oo Om Maryoum, 5wela Luluwa, 7arem O5wany el melaq oo cham wa7da mn refejatna!"

"LA2 YA3NEE LA2!" Mum affirmed

Dana and 7essa came over to our house with their kids on a Wednesday for dinner, She5a the practical was one her way.

I was sitting next to 7essa, eating nuts and listening their discussion

"t-hagein Omi tertha?!" i asked 7essa

"la2, bs e5tch Dano mu hayna!" she replied

"arahnch ena bensawy el 7afla, oo Omi eb tertha!" daring her!

"5asrana! 3ala cham?!" getting excited!

smilling with confidence "50 dinar!"


"7essa! ta3alay shufay omch!" Dana yelled!

Both 7essa and I turned toward them and asked "Shfekoum?!"

"Omkm mu rathya tefham leish nsawee el party?!"

"maku ya3ny maku!! wein ga3din?! ana ma a7eb el mas5ara oo el 7achy el fathy!"

"Yuma!! ana ma aby arou7 el mu5ayam! ma agdar w ana 7amel oo darb!!! Ma aby!!!" Dana insisted!

"la tro7un entay oo raylch!" 7essa suddenly interfered

Dana turned into a devil with red eyes, tail and the thorn! She didn't know there was a bet going on and it was 7essa's own benefit if she supported mum! I knew the war started!

"Sheno ya3ny matyee?! Dana E5tna oo rayelha wayed zain ma3ana; oo ohwa thuna2y raylch! Ohma el jaw kela... etha mayoon, yseir malaqa!" I defended Dana

"ya ba3ad ahaly ya 3awashy! Etha ana oo raylee ma yeena, meno ywanskoum?! Lamyoo oo Soho?!" Dana said flaming fire at 7essa! LOL

"latgoulin chthy 3ala 7amawatch! 3eib" Mum demanded!

"materthen 3ala 7amawaty, bs terthen 3alay?!" said Dana with a teary eyes! dmou3 el tamasee7!

"mu gasdy, bs mn meta nsawee 7aflat e7na?! oo shenu ngoul 7ag reyayeelna?!" 7essa said

"ma aby ..." Dana started crying! "entaw mu 5ayfin 3alay, a9lan ana adry bs taboun teftakoun meny oo ma9adagtaw meta atzawaj! Ana maly '3eir raylee! Allah ysame7koum" grabbing her bag and standing up to leave - drama queen! hehe

"Yuma!!! shlun teza3lin Dana!?" i said trying to prevent Dana from leaving "Dana ga3day kel mushkela laha 7al ... Yuma kelaha 7afla oo bas; leish mkabra el salfa?! e3tabreha 3azema mu 7afla!! yam3at 7areem ya3nee!" i continued

"Ohooooo! Omy galat la2 ya3ny la2!" 7essa said trying to win the bet

"Dano! ge3day oo 5alch mn 7arakat el yahal malotch! etha 3azema may5alef, bs 6ag6ega oo a'3any oo rags maku!" mum said

"ya3nee maku ru7at bar?!" Dana said wiping her fake tears

there was a sense of winning / losing a bet ;)

"ee 5alas ana aslan hal sena maly 5elg! Bs 3endy shar6; entaw tsawoun kel shay, oo ana anzel el serdab cheny ma3zouma!" Mum said

Dana came toward mum and hugged her while 7essa screamed "laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2!" and i laughed!

"haw! 7essa yanetay?!" mum seemed upset!

I laughed sarcastically and explained "HAHAHA! entaw matadroun aku rehan bena! etha Omy rethat, 7esso ta36iny 50 dinar!"

7essa threw a pillow on me while mum said "7amdilla wel shikr!"

That was when She5a came in with a question mark on her face "shefkoum!?"

Dana excitedly replied "bensawee 7afla bras el sena bserdab beitna! Oo 6al3at el bar 7ag el reyayeel bas!"

"nice idea! bs hathela shfehoum ytkaf5oun bel ma5ad?!" pointing at 7essa and me!

"metrahnin 3ala 50 dinar etha bensawee el 7afla aw la2, oo 3awash fazat oo 7essa malzouma tedfa3 el 50" Dana explained with a smile

"i see" She5a sat down and poured some water

"baskoum yal meyanin! 7esso ... 7ESSO! HATHA OO ENTAY EL KBIRA! BAAAS" mum yelled at us!

New Year eve was on Monday that year; we had 5 days to get everything done and prepared! I got my 50 KD from 7essa, who took care of the catering. Dana the social bee took care of the decorations and inviting people. She5a was responsible of inviting Lamya & Souha; also helping mum in convincing Dad to throw the party ! I mean "yam3at 7areem" ;)

I was responsible of the music with the help of Maryoum & Rawan. We also helped Dana in decorating the basement.

My sisters & I invited some of our closest friends; I surly invited Saja who was very excited to meet my mum, sisters & Rawan whom I always talk about them!


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A7bich ya Mostaqilla :****

بين الانتظار والاحتساب

وبين الصبر والامتحان

آدبي ،،، عدتي زرقاء

عدتي تحت راية السواء

اليوم، سطع نور المستقلة من جديد

وآدبي ،،، كانت رائعة بكل تفاصيلها

دمت دوما يا آدبي ،،، مستقلة

ألف مبروك فوز قائمتي المستقلة في كلية الآداب - كليتي :)- وانتشالها من "مستنقع" التآلف الذي دام لمدة اربع سنوات
Mie Mie

Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 14

and just when I was about to dip into my dreams .......


Bsmellah El Ra7man el Ra7eem! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!

Let me explain something; the window of my room is on the main road... I hear every noise you can imagine from the street!

The horrible sound came from out side, it sounded like a car accident .. WAIT A MINUTE?! CAR ACCIDENT???!!!

i rushed outside my room and saw my mum behind my dad who quickly went down the stairs...

"YUMA ... sema3taw el 9oot?!" I said

"ee yuma! emshay nshuf oo enshallah maykon ely fy baly!!" she said terrified, grabbed my hands as we were rushing through the stairs

I was confuesed "shelly fy balsh?!"

As we reached the main hall, my mum went to Ghazy's room while my dad was no where to be seen

"wein o5osh?!" she asked when she didn't find him in his room!

"HA?!" i freezed in my place, i hope he isn't ...

"degay 3ala o5osh al7in shufay weinah! te7arekay!!" she yelled

Without any words, i run to the phone and dailed his number but it was ...

"mu'3laq!" i said to mum who sat next to me

"Ya Raby!" she said "ma aby a6la3 bara oo ashufa..." her tears fell heavily!

i hugged her and said "Yuma 9alay 3al neby; aked 6efa mafieh sha7an...." she kept on crying

"3awash,,, gum... gumay shufay obosh Allah y5alsh " words hardly came from her mouth

"enshallah yuma"

I went outside, walked through the garden into the main entrance, stood behind the gate and called for dad

"Yuba.. Yuba!" i called him; it was very crowded and so many men were gathered around something seemed like a car accident

I tried to see my dad but there was no sign of him in the middle of the crowd! I got worried and walked few steps outside finding a way through the crowd to see the most unforgettable view of my life!

Our neighbor, 3adnan, was screaming on the phone "WEINKOM?!" my dad fell on his knees and guys were giving him water, two cars were crushed badly... one of them is Ghazy's car!

I freezed in my place and the only question flashing in my head is he alive

"WEIN GHAZY?!" I screamed as some guys were pulling the men from the cars

"WEIN O5oy?!" I asked dad, yet he didn't answer me!

I looked at his car, the front glass was broken as the front of the car was completely smashed!

I turned to 3adnan and yelled at him with tears fell from my eyes "agulokom wein GHAZY?!"

"lat 7aten, o5osh wado el shabab el mustashfa oo na6rin el as3af ta5eth el thany!" he said "ya 3aysha, waday obosh da5el oo 6amnay el walda!" he continued


The idea of him being alive was a relieve! But I had to manage the situation here! As I was holding dad with 3adnan & one anonymous guy to take him inside I asked which hospital he went

"Mbarak, oo tfathelay telefona" 3adnan said "ana al7in baro7 7ag o5osh"

"bayee ma3akoum!" i said

"la yuba mayseer! entay ge3day ma3 ahalsh oo degay 3ala o5wansh 5aly eyoun mustashfa Mbarak!"

As we reached the Hall door


we placed dad on the couch, i didn't say a word because i just ran to get some water to dad

"La ya 5alty Ghazy enshallah mafeih ela el 3afya!" 3adnan told mum who sat next to dad, holding his hands & crying

"3ayal weina?!" my mum pathetically asked

"Yuma lat 7ateen!" i said as i came into the hall holding the water for dad "bs met3awer eshway oo 3adnan beru7la el mustashfa oo eyeeba" trying to hold my tears back

"ee khalty ana raye7 ayeeba, 3aysha mu tensein tkalmin o5wansh" he said as he was living the house "mn re5satkom"

I called S3ud & Fawaz who both rushed to the hospital; I also called 3abdallah, She5a's husband, since he's a doctor in Mubarak Hospital & asked him to tell my sister.

Dad was speechless while mum kept on crying; i knew I would go crazy if I stayed like this, helpless! But what can I do but give mum water or assure them that everything will be fine!

20 minutes later the door bell rang

my rescuing angel came ... Hessa & her husband Othman!

When I saw her, I ran to her & threw my head on her chest! She hugged me and I let go of all my tears!!

Othman sat next to dad while Hessa, who didn't let go of me, sat next to mum pulling her head to her shoulders...

"Ya 3amy enshallah maku ela el 3afya latsawoon bru7km chethy; ana tawny dag 3ala Fawaz oo galy ena kel shay tamam oo waldna mafy shay" Othman was trying to assure my parents

"3ayal leish lel7in mayaw?!" My dad finally spoke!

"Tadry ejra2at oo ta7qiq oo loya; hatha 7adeth oo lazem y3arfoun meno el met'6arer oo meno el sebab" Othman replied

"Ana weldy mayed3am 3ayal el awadem! aked ohma el '3al6anin!" Mum suddenly said!

"Om S3ud!" Dad looked at mum "7emday Rabsh weldsh 7aay! Mu muhm meno el '3al6an el muhem weldsh 7ay! Sema3tay!" He commanded!

She just nodded and cried silently while Hessa was calming her down

Suddenly a mobile in my pocket ran; akeed Ghazy's mobile I totally forgot that it was in my pocket. I pulled it out, tried to read the name but the screen was so damaged! By mistake i pressed on the answer button:

"alo?!" i said with a teary voice




"3awash meno tkalmin?!" Hessa asked

"madry hath.. !! Sadaw el kha6!" the anonymous caller hanged up and i didn't know who they wore! I hope they are not someone who talked to Ghazy before or during the accident! 7aram akeed sma3aw el 7adeth! :(

An hour and 30 minutes passed, mum fell asleep on Hessa's shoulder, Othman was trying so hard to calm Dad down who was speechless most of the time!

Suddenly; the door was opened and...

"GHAZY!" I yelled!

Mum woke up "WEINA WELDY WEINA?!" crying!

Dad stood up while Othman walked toward the guys to help them out...

"AAAAA5 ya yuma! mafiny shay" as he was about to sit down on the couch

"la2! yebo yamy ashufa... ashema!!" mum said

S3ud and Fawaz held him where mum is sitting and he sat between her and dad! He had his head wrapped up with bandage, blood spot on his forehead. My brothers sat on the other couch with Othman while Hessa and I were sitting next to mum.

"Esmellah 3alik ya weledy" mum swap his head "ana 7esbaly..." she cried again!

"Ya Yuma te3awethay mn ebliss!" S3ud said "kahu jedamsh mafy ela el 3afya!"

"3abdallah rayal bentsh bayath-ha oo magasar" Fawaz said "3weesh! gumay yebelina maay!" he commanded

i went to the kitchen and got 5 glasses of water -- ya sheenik!

"Yuba goom desh darik oo raye7 damik mu el '3al6an bel 7adeth; 5a6ak el soo ya Yuba" Dad warmly said tapping on Ghazy's back

"enshallah Yuba .. AAAAAA5 Ya Rasi!" Ghazy put his hand on his head

"Shosho gumay nwady dara" Hessa said

We both grabbed him -of course with the help of Othman- and took him to his room, i removed the cover while Ghazy was leaning on Othman and Hessa holding him. Lay him on his bed and covered him with the blanket.

"taby chay Ghazy?!" I asked him

"la bs aby anam!" he said

We were about to leave the room when i remembered his mobile

"Oh Ghazy, mobilik kan 3endy.. ba7u6a yam rasik" putting it on the table next to his bed

"silenty Allah yertha 3alish!" he barely spoke

I did what he asked me to, turn off the lights and closed his door.

It was 12 am when Hessa and Othman excused them selves while the two BOMA's are still here! Can't they see that mum and Dad are tired?!

I sat next to mum when S3ud asked me with the most inappropriate questions!

"entay chethy 6ela3tay bara?!"

I was wearing a cotton pijama, trousers and long sleeves with a robe on top

and before I'd say a word...

"Wallah enk fathy oo ma3endk salfa! A9lan lu mu e5tk chan ana mayeet oo omik oo entaw maderataw! Goom farejna eb 6eeb! E7na ta3banin oo naby nerta7!" My dad told S3ud

"BAS YUBA!" S3ud angrily said

"Kelma wa7da ma athaniha! tesb7un 3ala 5eir!" My dad said and he stood up

Both my brothers stood up and went toward the door; gazing me with the nastiest gaze on earth!!

I held mum's hand and we both went upstairs and dad was locking all the doors then came behind us. They both went to their room and I went to mine to finally sleep!

My mobile was loaded with missed calls from all my She5a, Hessa and Rawan as well as A7mad. Plus 4 text messages


5aly Ghazy shlouna?! :'(

امي وابوي شلونهم؟ عبداالله طمني عن غازي طمنيهم

3washty... noum el 3afya :*

I decided to ignore Rawan since her mum is going to tell her all details, assured She5a that our parents are fine and...

Ghazy sawa 7adeth, bs mafy shay, kan bel mustashfa... Ana wayed ta3bana A7mad, bs aby anam... call me when u wake up

and slept after this long, tension day


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 13

He hang up the phone! SERIOUSLY?!?!? A3almk ya a7mad! ya ana ya enta!!!!

I was so mad from his attitude with me; I didn't say anything yet he burst in my face and went crazy for no reason! There must be something he is hiding that made him become so angry.

I parked my car in Sharq Cinema parking, entered from the Big Water Clock entrance and headed to Starbucks to find Saja in a orange short sleeves, oval neck shirt and a jeans sitting in one of the round tables facing the Clock.

I smiled at her and said "Masa2 el kheir"

Saja sttod up "Masa2 el ward" cheek kiss "esh-hal 7eloo?! tshawgin!" she said

"tamam" i replied "tabin neg3ad bara?! el jaw wayed 7eloo!" I suggested; actually I needed fresh air!

she smiled and said "ee sure, bs na6lub awal"

I ordered my Caramel Mochiato, Saja had American Coffee, pick the order and went outdoor.

"6awalt 3alsh?!" I asked her

"la2, ana dashit gablsh beshway" she said

"aha zain ashwa la2eny ma7eb at2a5ar 3an mwa3edy" i know i sound like an old woman. BS WALLAH MALY 5ELG -- OFF mnk ya A7mad! :(

"la mathbu6a" she smiled; killing me with her kindness!

The conversations were weirdly ackward; talking about work and people at work.. more talks about work when Saja said...

"Waaay! Basna sawalf 3an el dawam! sarlena nes sa3a bs dawam oo dawam! Yalla subject change; shloun 7ayatsh el 3a6ifiya?!"

What a great subject to talk about!

"hahaha! ay 3a6ifiya?! maku la 3a6ifiya wla 3a6ify!" in a way it sounded true! there is no romance in my relationship with elly mayetsama!

"leeeeeeish?! kel hal zain oo el 7alat maku 3a6ifiyat?! Ma asadeg!!" She said

"Wallah!" sipping my coffee "aslan ana hal mawal maydesh mukhy! You can say i am a bit complicated"

"I see.. so you never been in a serious relationship?!" Saja asked

"nope! enough about me, what's up with your love life?!" trying to change the subject, somehow!

She took a deep breath and flashed me with a smile "Well... i was engaged to someone before i fly to Egypt; knt a3arfa mn ayam el thanawiya, mn el 3ayla oo kan fy bena mmmm .. tegdrin tsamina 7ub el 6ufola"

"enzain..." That's interesting! I wonder who!!!

"Ohwa kan akbar mny eb sintain, oo yadres fy koliyat el thuba6, 3askary... Bs tekharajt mn el thanawiya, teqadamly... bs 3ugub farkashna" she said

He is not A7mad for sure "leish farkashtaw?!"

"ma retha adres fy Ma9er; yabiny adsh ma3had bu sentain oo ana yayba nesba eda5ilny 6ib! Tekhayilay!!!"

"mn seja!?" I was shocked, how can a man be so selfish?! "ohwa makan yadry ensh tabin tru7in Ma9er aw tabin tkamlin derastsh?!" I asked

"Emballah, oo hathy el mushkila, kan ma5ethny 3ala gad 3agly, telling me that elly tabina basawee! Bs tekhrajt, galy maku jam3a ya ma3had ya matadrisin!" She said

"oo shsawetay?!"

"6ab3an farkashna el mawthoo3 kela, oo 3ama b3eina a5arny course 3an taqdem el jam3a.. I was so depressed, bs Oboy galy ru7ay Ma9er la2en ohwa dares hnak.. Fa gadamt oo derast oo te5arajt!" Smilling with pride

"zain tsaween! Bs ohwa shsar feih?!"

"7athreta mat lama dera eny re7t Ma9er, chan ytzawaj wa7da mn el ahal kanat mayta 3alih! He has 3 kids mnha bs awal maradit mn Ma9er, maat yaby ykalmny oo ana marethet!"

"3eina guweya! shyaby?!"

"mawal: ana a7bsh entay, maby '3ersh... oo 7achy fathy!!" she took a deep breath and contiued "ana wagfta 3end 7ada, mu 3ashan shay.. bsara7a ohwa awal 7ub fy 7yaty oo kebart 3ala eda, fashel tajrubty feih 5alatny an3zel 3a6ifiya 3an el riyayeel. Bs maretheet la2ena ohwa e5tar fa yet7amal natejat e5tiyara".

I was amazed of her emotional idology or let's say (way of thinking)! Four two reasons: 1st it is very mature and independent which shows a woman's cabapilities in love and how she can control her emotions if she wants to. 2nd she is not A7mad's type; so he won't fall for a woman like Saja! Unless ...

"wayed kebartay b3eny ya Saja! Ana a3aref wayed banat dasaw 3ala Karamt-hm 3ashan rayal bs qila ohma elly methlish. Bs ma3qoola wa7da methlsh ma3ashat shay 3a6ify ma3 a7ad 3ugub ... shesma?!"

"hehe Nawaf!"

"ee .. mmm fa ma kan fy shay?!" i coriously asked

"akeed kan fy; bs wayed knt atradad fy bediyat el 3elaqa, bs3din tamshy el 2umor 3ady.. then we reach to a dead end! Bs wala a7ad fehum kan mn el 3ayla, la mn greeb wla b3eed!" she said, shutting up my doubt and thoughts of the idea of (a7mad + Saja = ???)

"a7sanlsh! aslan 3elaqat el ahal dayman fyha meshakel 5asa etha teda5elaw el ahal feha!" I said

"3ala gultsh ... " Saja commented

The rest of the evening was smooth; we talked about studying abroad and how it was my dream, traditions, families...

2 hours passed so quick that we didn't realize, we both enjoyed our time.

"esa3a betseer 8 oo e7na lel7in 3ala cup of coffee!" Saja said laughing

"EE tsadgin! ma7aseit bel wagt! i think it is time to say see you tomorrow" i winked

"hehe ee ba3ad 3ala ma nosal el beit, sarat 8:30 ya doob nla7eg nakel legma oo enam 3ashan dawam bachr" she said

We both stood up, grabbed our bags and went toward indoor

"wein saf6a?!" I asked Saja

"Soob Sultan Centre, i need to get some stuff on the way out" Saja said "oo entay b3eed?!" she asked

"la2 ehny" pointing at the gate behind the water clock

"okay 3ayal.. i had fun wayed ma3ash oo wayed erte7tlsh akthar mn gabl!" She said smiling

"me too wallah; ashufsh bachr enshallah!" we kissed cheeks and each one of us went into her own destined direction

2 hours passed ... were enough to wash away my doubts toward Saja and A7mad

2 hours passed ... i got to know this sweet lady who i met randomly and for the most anonymous reason she cares about me

2 hours passed ... no sound of A7mad

The rest of the evening was smooth! I reached home, chatted with mum, had a salad for dinner then went up for a quick relaxing shower and relaxed on bed.

It was 10:30 pm when I wanted to call Maryoum. But...

7ady ta3bana oo aby anam, bachr bs agulsh sheno 9ar
g.n. xoxo

1 Text Message Recieved

5amdat el 3afya! aslan ana ta3bana oo aby anam
love ;**

Adry wayed dafsha, bs a7ebha ;)

and just when I was about to dip into my dreams .......


Bsmellah El Ra7man el Ra7eem!


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 12

I didn't comment, it was almost 5 and i needed to get ready for my coffee with Saja with the excuse of "eeeh .. enzain 3ayal ana lazem agum abadel oo atzahab 7ag el 6al3a; akalmsh lama ard! bye"

"kelamt el 7ag tethayeg bs .. ma3 el salama"
said Maryam and we hang up

She knew i was running away from the subject; the marriage subject! As much as I wanted it to happened, as hard it is to think of the reality of our relationship! Every word Maryam said was right, its been 5 years since we've been together, we fought, laughed, stood together... No one understands me like A7mad, and no one can stand being with him but me! I refused many men for his sake, and he stopped in his parents face to marry any girl of their choice!

His mum and sister know there is a girl in A7mad's life; but they don't know who! My mum, Hesa, Maryoum & Rawan know who is the man of my life!

I know what you guys are thinking ... why didn't we got married so far?! This will sound weird but I don't know! He never said I will marry you, directly. But he freaks out when someone propose!

Am I stupid to be with a man who never talked directly about marriage?! If you were in love, or ever fell in it, you will know the answer of this question...

I prayed, dressed up with a baig skirt a rosy shirt and a jeans jacket and my hair was down, greeted my mum and Ghazy who ...

"wein 3ala Allah kel hal kash5a?!" he was sitting next to mum when he asked, while mum was pouring tea for both of them
"baru7 Starbucks sharq ma3 refejty"

"chensh mthagla el mekyaj; yallah ru7ay mes7ay hal alwan! banat a5er zeman!" he waved his finger toward upstairs

Did I mention that my "alwan" were a mascara, blusher & a pink gloss?!

"shaklik fathy oo ma3endk a7ad etnajra! Mama ana ray7a tabin shay?!" I asked mum ignoring Ghazy

"la yuma Allah y7afthsh" Mum replied with a smile

and just when i took few steps away "ta3alaay!!" Ghazy yelled with a hidden smile!

"Uff Ghazy shtaby baru7 t2a5art!"

"aby salamtsh" he winked and finally smiled! HUH i knew he was only trying to tease me!!!

It was 5:30 when I turned the car and drove to Sharq, called Saja who was almost reaching the place

"ana yabely 10 minutes oo akun 3ndsh" I said

"e5thay ra7tsh, ana jarabt mn mustashfa Al Amiry, see you later dear"

"Enshallah, drive safely"

"you too"

We both hang up. I drove through the 2nd Ring Road or Share3 el 7uB toward the Gulf street passing Bnid el Gar, the weather was Fantastic since it was December! Mid chilly winter in Kuwait!

Rwieshd's voice was the best thing to hear at the moment with a classical (Lemny bshoog we7theny) i love this song!

Ambieh... A7mad! I forgot to call him! I dialed his no. But it was busy, weird! I just sent him a msg; I truly want to enjoy the moment, the day, the song and my high mood!

1 Text Message Received

"la7tha, we9alny msg"

Ana Ray7a Starbucks ma3 Saja elly tserlik 3ala gultk! Love you xoxo

"Enshallah teshba3 swalfik!!!" Saja said laughing

"Sajawee chub! hathy mu swalif, hathy el 7ub!" I confidently said

"3eshtaw!! mn emta ya 7athy?!" she asked sarcastically

"mn zemaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! tsadgin enha el wa7eda elly fahmatny oo met7amlatny"

"la2anha 5abla oo matadry wein Allah ga6ha! Ballah 3alik matguly shlagya feik?! la wathefa, la sana3... oo na9ab oo ra3y banat! aked 3amya" She teased

"3an el '3ala6 yallah 3ad! Hathy 7abibty oo martha 3aliha oo etha a7ad 3amay fa ohwa entay! wein hayta?!"

"ray7a Starbucks Sharq,,, enzain ya Romeo, 9arlkm shkethr?!"

"5 snin b3in el 3ethal!"

Oo 5alty t3arefha?!"

"la2, bs tadry eny a7b wa7da"

"3ayal... meta nfra7 mnkum?!"


"mn gal HA sema3!"

"laaaa .. lama Allah yaktb nseib; sh-hal legafa?! ba3din wensh hayta!?"

"legafa?! shakelha methel elly gabelha; a7ebha oo madry sheno bs a5er chay mata5eth-ha!"


"wath7a nafs el shams! A7mad, bask le3eb fy banat el nas, 3ndk e5t oo 3eib tara kebart 3ala hal swalif!"

"al7in el sharha 3alay ana agulsh, yuba tadrin shlun?! gelbay wayhsh oo thelfay bely may7afthsh!!!"

"hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ! 3asabt?! okay kefk ana ...."


Shtaby hathy?! The best i did was to hang up the phone in her face! Who is she to judge my relationship with 3awashty?!!! It is my fault indeed; i shouldn't share my personal life with Saja, or anyone and give the opportunity to judge it the way they want!

But ... marraige?! Taking a deep breath,,,

The idea of marrying 3awash is some how freaky, strange! I got used to us the way we are, couple of years back I would concider living under one roof. But after my fight with mum for marrying the "one i choose"... I step back and
buried the idea of marrying 3awash in my head, and hers

"alo yal en6rab!" The music in her car was loud

"alo, hehe hala2"

"shlounsh?!" I miss her voice

"la7tha awa6y el music... zaina, enta shlounk!?" turning the music down

"tamam dam same3 hal 9out el 7elo; ray7a sharq ha?!"

"ay sharq?!" She wondered

OFF! ana shloun zal lsany oo getlaha sharq! ehya katba Starboucs bs magalat ay wa7ed?! SHIT!!!

"entay mu ray7a Starbouks?!"

"ee bs magelt ay wa7ed!" She knew I was hidding something!

"adry, bs akeed ray7a Sharq, la2en el gaz hnak oo entay lazem e6gin kart fy Sharq!" Trying to turn around the table

"ay shay sa7?! Kha6ik mash'3ul lama dagit 3alik, kent tkalm Saja?!" She asked

That's the problem when you are with a Smart girl! She knows everything!

"La2.. 9a7by" I lied

"9a7bik?!" she sounded mad then continued "kefik ya A7mad! ana el youm mazajy zain oo maby a5arba bsebtk! Ana adry enk knt tkalm Saja oo ehya galatlik ray7en Sharq; madry sh-hal qaraba elly tgulik wein ray7a oo wein rada!"

"OOOOOOOOOOOO ! Ana mu nagsch! Sharq wela Jebla! kefsh!!! lat 6awlin!!!"


Wallah I didn't want to lie, or fight! But I don't know why I did that... I just don't know!!!!


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Woman Torn Apart -- 11

Enshallah the day goes as smooth as a body butter; not in the mood of another cat fight!

Oh! Coffee with Saja today... why am i so ... i don't know how I feel!!

Uff!! speaking about "i don't know how i feel" why do I have this weird feeling about

Prayers, thoughts and more thoughts run through my mind as i was driving to work, and without realizing, i reached the (Shenkoo) Department, parked my car and head to the office around 7:20 AM.

Of course it was too early for Nahed or Marwa to come. Turn on the PC, asked for coffee, took a deep breath, here goes a new day of my...

Marwa arrived at 7:35 she didn't greet, and immediatly sat on her desk. She seemed annoyed for seeing me arriving before her. Naive Nahed came at 8 sharp -hehe better than last time!

"Saba7 el 5eir" with her cheerful smile

"sba7 el nour" I replied with a smile

"hala2" Marwa said coldly

Nahed started talking about a wedding she is attending this weekend and doesn't know what to wear since she gain few extra bounds... Marwa didn't participate in the conversation while I gave her ideas on where to shop, makeup and hair.

The morning was weirdly calm; Nahed was between her gossips and documenting, I was working on Nahed's dump reports and Marwa remind quite most of the time... Is there a storm behind this silence?!

Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn ... Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn


"weinsh mamareteny el youm?! qahwetsh bredat!" Saja said

i didn't realize it was 11:30 am when she called; time really flow!

"mmm okay kany yaya bs a5ales el taqrer elly 3endy"

"okay.. an6ersh"

10 minutes later I gave Nahed the report, revised it, and excused myself heading to Saja's office.

Adry ena Nahed malha thanb, bs ehya leish tsa3edha oo tsulif ma3aha!! ba6a chabdy... welaht 3aliha bs magdar! Wayed metnarfeza mn ams oo ... ana a3alem hathy 3weesh lama yred '9ary!

:: Saja's Office ::

"3ala maw3edna el youm enshallah?!"

"ee.. tru7in Starboucs Sharq?!"

"mmmm ,, okay! ntelaga hnak 3gub salat el ma'3arb?"

"ee .. bagulsh shay!"

"sheno?! shfesh?!"
"Marwa wayed kanat sakta el youm! '3areba..."

"twaly, shufay el sekouty louty oo hathy mataby traseha 3ala baar, te7atheray mnha! Oo etha kanat nawya tshayesh '9ary 3alish, fa hatha mara7 yser la2any a3aref '9ary wayed 7agany oo mayertha bel thelm.

"lat 7ateen, ana ra7 akun ma3ash"she continued.

i just smiled and said "enshallah kheir".

Time passed so quick that it was 1:30 pm; when i went back to the office, signed out, and went home after a weird calm day!

After a quick normal lunch with mum and dad, I went to my room and turned on the TV. I didn't want to sleep so I thought of wasting some time with the one and only ...

"entay wensh me5tafiya mn zeman 3ansh!"

and before I say any word

"ya3nee etha ana ma2as2al 3ansh entay mates2lin?!?!?!"

"waaaay! Maryoumu al7in meno dag?! Ana daga!! Fa mumkn bedal el hawash nsulif methel el bachar el 6abi3iya?!"


"gelna 6abi3iya mu nafsiya!!! kefsh mara7 agulsh 7ushty ma3 a7mad oo mno sheft ams! Bye!"

"LA7THA LA7THA! leish t-hawashtay ma3 a7mad?! oo mno shefty al7in aby tefaseel!" she exsitdly said

"mu tawsh mnafsa?!" teasing her

"betgulun aw bayeesh akaf5esh!"

"HAHAHAHA! Enzin M7AMAD! 9abyak qe6a3! el muhm... Allah ysalmsh ams ana mnafsa 3ala A7mad 6oul el youm"

"leish shemsawee?!"

"Madry Maryoum,,, mn galy 3an Saja oo ana nagezny galby! A7es magaly kel shay oo aku sha'3lat 5ash-ha; ohwa 3nda sawabiq bhal swalif"

"ee athker salfat hathy Nejod elly ma3akm bel jam3a, ygulsh tserly oo tserly akher shay 6ela3 el a5 ykalemha!!"


A7mad has a black record when it comes to the "other" girls. From the day we met back in Universaty, I would meet a girl in a class or in family occasions, she would either be his "ex" or "just friend" or "2nd, 3rd, 10th cousin" ... And this "cousin" always ends up being another girl in his life!

"enzain oo sh9ar 3ugub?!" Maryam asked

"ma9ar .. 6ab3an ana magetla shely mthayegny 3ashan mandsh bchethbat ydida, bs getla eny knt ta3bana oo maly 5elg; oo tsala7na".

"oo tetwaq3in ena Saja laha 3elaqa ma3 a7mad?!" rising the question, and the doubts in me!

"tsadgin ma a7es! ehya sh5siyat-ha '3eir oo akbar mna eb cham sena... Bs el youm ba6la3 ma3aha oo benshuf mayat-ha"

"wein 3ala Allah oo meta?!" annoyingly asked Maryam

"Starboucs Sharq 3ugub el 5"

"eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 6el3ay ma3 el 3ethal!"

I laughed and said "lel7in madry etha ehya 3ethal aw la2 .. 5alina menhoum, matsadgen mno sheft ams?!"

"meno ba3ad?!"

"El mazyoun mal Sharq" i don't know why i called him mazyoun!!!


"Johnny Salmiya, oo zafeta!"

"ya bgara leeeeeeeeeeeish?!"

"la2ena kan yaby yrakmny oo mesak el bab oo aflam 3agad! Oo kanat ma3ay Rawan 7ady tewahagt! ma3eraft shloun atsaraf fa zafeta"

"oo tgulin 3any 9abyak! bs zain tsaween feih; kel hal 7alat oo heligy! Sej el 7elu mayakmel!"

"ohwa mu helegy, bs yaby yrakemny" why am i defending him?! MADRY!!


"ha?!" with an innocent voice

she shocked my world with "shaklsh mu3jaba feih!"

"laa shaku?!" i yelled

"dafa3tay 3anah oo ohwa mu heligy... shsalftsh?!"

"waaaaaaaaaaaaay maryoom madry shfeeny! Bs shefta 7ashny e7sas 7elo oo estanast, oo bs zafetah thag 5elgy oo ..."

"Oo shenu?!" she interrupted

"OO madry Maryoum! sej madry shfeny!!! Awal mara a7es chethy ma3 a7ad '3eir A7mad, ya3ny entay tadren eshkethr a7eba oo mat5ayal nafsy ma3 wa7ed thany '3era... Bs hal mazyoun madry shemsawy feny!" I let it out... partly!

"ymkn la2enkm tmrun eb fatrat malal 3a6ify!"

"malal 3a6ify sheno ba3ad?!"

"ya3nee entay maletay mn routine 3elaqatkm.. 3awash, entay t3arfin A7mad mn tagreban 5 snin, oo maretaw bwayeed ashya2 ma3 ba3ath... el 3elaqa etha mafeha ta'3eir, el 6arafin ymilon..." she explained

"oo sheno el ta'3yer elly teqtar7ina?!" i sarcastically asked

"el zawaj!"


To Be Continued ... A Woman Torn Apart


Mie Mie