Monday, April 27, 2009

Beyond The Eyes

Look into the eyes, not the eyes
Look what is beyond its seductive, strange, attractive color.. what can you see?!
If you can't get any further, then you are too blind to feel!
What is beyond its' beauty is life...
Everything balck and white...
and everything in between!
What you will see is a tear...
A smile after fear...
Strength & need!
If you looked into my eyes & beyond
You will find a world of wonders digged deep inside


Something is bothering mie lately.. actually it's been bothering mie since forever!
I hate it when people judge or under estimate you for the way you look! it is not fair!
It kills me when they decide to ignore your inside and focus on the outside!
I get really sad when they neglect a sad look or pretend to know so much that is not ture! Worse thing?! they force you to believe it is!
This is not for everyone you meet in your life, it is only for the ones we categorize them as special or different. But they turn us down...

Suffering No. 1: You Look Different! Sorry, but i was born with it

I remember when once my previous boss told mie -after only 3 months of working together: "I under estimate you! You look more clever than I thought! -- Because your look, I thought you are a spoiled girl who can't stand the pressure, you proved me worng."*
But why did he under estimated me?! He means by "Your Look" is being different than regular girls are...
Ok! I have a unique eye color & face figures, so many girls do, but what is my guilt to be born with such things?! I didn't choose that, I was born with it!
That comment was repeated over & over since universaty!
I ... don't like to be treated as a "Barbie" a pretty doll And that's it! I am not like that because it makes me feel dump, not human...
Situation like that make you feel bad about your self & it forced mie to do things I thought it was the right thing to do, just to stop that "Baribie" impression when someone sees me for the first time. But it wasn't the right thing...
Please!! Stop looking only at the outside of a person
You don't know how bad it feels!
* I worked in that company for two years, and I proved to him everyday that I am not "a spoiled girl who can't take the pressure".

Suffering No. Two: Smilling from the outside,, dying from the inside!

Can anyone explain how can some people ignore the sad look in your eyes?!
Is it possible that they can't see that you are going through a horrible time & you want a break from life?!
I believe this: some people are stupid! But NO ONE is too stupid to see something as clear as the sun! NO ONE is too blind to feel that you are not feeling okay!*
Why do they ignore your tear?! Even when you pretend the simle & wear "Little Miss Sunshine" on your face... No one can not see or feel that saddness beneth!
Why do they do it?!
Malhum 5elg?!
Some people we trust do this: they ignore your pain, want to listen to their dramatic life and fix it! But when it is your turn to remove a burden on your chest, they walk away & turn their back on you!
Please!! Please!! Don't step on others pain...
Don't walk pretending they are "okay"...
* A blind person is not the one who lost his sight. But who lost the ability of feeling others.
Suffering No. 3: "I understand" WANA BE!!

This is the ironic part...
When someone pretend to understand the way you feel or
what you want to say; unfortunatly they really don't!
They insist they know you very well when you are having a rainy or a sunny day... But all they do or say shows they don't understand!!!
They say the worng thing -they always do- when this happens, they:
Turn your sunny day into a rainy day
Turn your rainy day into a stormy one!
Fab!! You Really Understood & Helpd Mie!!!

Bottom Line...

Look at people the way you want to be looked back
Never judge someone's ability because of their looks; they are born with it
Never pass by someone who is hiding their pain without tapping on their shoulder
Never EVER pretend to understand someone you know didn't! No one knows "everything" in "everything" because it is impossible; nothing to be shame of!
Never trust someone who can't seem to trust or understand themselves.. If they can't, how could they understand yours!?!?!
And always look beyond one's eyes; you will be mesmorized with what is inside!

P. S. The pic was breath taking; I couldn't resist it!

Mie Mie

Sunday, April 19, 2009

How Far Can You Go ?!

When it comes to love.. how far can you go to be satisfied?!

I heared, read, knew so many crazy, wild, pathitic, sweet things people do to avoid being alone, in the name of "LOVE"

Who haven't done anything to reach the level of happiness shared with someone else?!

We all did...

But what comes after that?! We all know the English saying "what goes up, has to come down" and this is excatly what happens with us, we feel down sooner or later

I think the main reason behind that is choosing the wrong person, partner, to enjoy a moment with...

Some people are simply .. JERKS! (HEHE) They neither let you enjoy a moment, nor make you happy for sharing a story with them! They are amazing when it comes to pull you down to their BAD MOOD or BAD DAY bottom when you just want to feel good! Or they are not there when you are having a bad day...
What to do?! You dont want to "double lose" .. So you wrap your dignity, lock it somewhere far for a while and pretend that "EVERYTHING IS FINE".. But it's not

You start pushing away your standards, lock away your pride and dignity, move on pretending that "THINGS ARE FINE", when your partner is up you are up, when they are down you are too.. Just like that endlessly

Why?! To avoid lonliness
To avoid lonely longlasting nights
To avoid long drive to anywhere
To avoid a morning when you stay in bed for hours feeling empty
To avoid the "SINGLE AND LOVIN IT" situation
To avoid feeling jealous when others talk about their HOT, AMAZING, EXSITING partner
and the list is sooo long!
To avoid all that, we rather be with someone than to be with no one...

I understand...
But my question is.. how long can you stand being with fools?!
How long can you handle cold like ice person?!
How long can you deal with their moody mood?!
How long can you deal with the "ignoring" situation?!
How long can you be there for others & barley get time for your self?!
... how far can you get to avoid being alone?! and always pretned -and we know we are pretneding- to be in love?!

Personally -just if anyone was wondering- and honestly, not much! I'm tierd of pretending when I dont have too and I am tired of fighting when nothing is worth too!
When ever i feel lonely, down -not depressed- or empty, i might get my nails done, shop, visit a friend, pass by granny, catch up with a friend -mostly cuppie ;*- sleep :D

For some people, that may be boring! But to Mie, it is better than being with someone who makes me feel less than who I am or should be!


P.S. It's been a while, I know.. But I've been very busy and there wasn't enough inspiration to write about lately.
Thanks to everyone who passed by and left a comment, makes my day :)
I am proudly announcing, I AM BACK :D

Mie Mie