Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just a Thought: What a Boring Day!!!

I really have a lot to do; but I just don't feel like doing anything
I'm very bored, nothing exciting... Actually there is, but again I don't feel like doing anything
This morning, I was supposed to get some things done but I didn't.. I arrived yesterday at 1:30 AM & I am exhausted
TV, Internet, facebook, msn... all boring
My mom is sitting on her sofa reading newspapers, my dad disappeared with his weired animals, my sisters; well some are studying & some are I guess sleeping ;p
I think I should buy an agenda & create a daily "TO DO" list. Maybe I will feel excited when I see what I have to do & focus on it...
For the rest of this boring day: I guess I will visit granny, work on a presentation for this week, watch a Movie Nora gave me last week. (Nora! I miss u & miss the gang - I mean the girls ;p)
I will share later the success or the failure of the Agenda plan...
P.S. My crazy sisters lost my uncle's gift for Mie :@@@ ARAWEIKOM!!!

bye for now

Mie miE

Monday, October 13, 2008

MOSTAQILLA... I know what a lot will say to Mie after writting this!

A Decision...

80% of my time in university was for MOSTAQILLA, a student community that I believed in & joined, took most of my time in 4 years...
When I graduated I decided to let go and keep it as a nice yet a painful experience, not regretting it at all and if I went back in time, I'll join MOSTAQILLA again.
When I took that decision, I ONLY read some articles about all students communities, all of them. because I barely found anything related to MOSTAQILLA.

The Bad Feeling...

A year passed, then I found myself drifted into elections again! Like fresh graduates and old ones, we found our selves going to the university to see what was going on. Some were happy to see us, some thought we came to dance on their wounds... Whatever they were thinking of, it didn't change the fact that: everything was different! In a bad way...
Another year passed; I had the same expectations of last year (from bad to worse!) but this time I was wrong!
The Union Elections were last Sunday, recording an increase in the votes for MOSTAQILLA and other communities... I was happy, because this is the highest increase since a long while.
That night, a friend and I shared our thoughts on the phone for hours (we are both graduates) Yes! We were happy, but something felt wrong though!
I don't know how to say it, but there is a missing link here... I hope whatever I'm feeling is wrong because it feels so bad that I can't put it in words! Only days will prove if I was right or wrong...

Why Do I Care?!

It's hard to explain; being part of something for 4 years of your life is something big, and it is hard to let go completely of it. I don't think any of true believers can; even when you don't want to get involve, something drags you in! Actually, force you in. You just can't help it - and you like it :)

A Secret...
I have a small cabinet, where I kept everything related to MOSTAQILLA since I joined. The secret is: I like to open it once in a while and go through every paper, badge, picture, file, holders, press releases, campaigns, fights... It brings me joy & it makes me proud.

The Real Scale...

Great results in NUKS elections for MOSTAQILLA, and good luck in colleges' elections because they are the real scale of success or... failure!

Mie Mie

Things Mie ♥

I ♥ George Clooney

I ♥ Sony Ericsson Mobiles


I ♥ Italy

I ♥ the Italian football team when the won World Cup 2006

I ♥ Lavender

I ♥ Art

I ♥ SPAs

I ♥ Chocolate

I ♥ Dancing

I ♥ the dancing sene in Memoirs of a Geisha

I ♥ Rashoodie

I ♥ Qoindoush

I ♥ my family, all of them, especially the ones I can't see because they live too far to reach (miss you Doddie).

I ♥ my friends, all of them. Each one of you have a place in my heart, and each one of you is IRREPLACABLE!

I ♥ the person who makes me special everyday ;*

Salute to all ;***

Mie Mie

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Blogs Under Surveillance"

First; this topic & headline got on my nerves!

"Blogs Under Surveillance" and I am sure they are targeting "Political" ones, where most are created by young Kuwaitis to express their opinions on what's going on in the country. But why?! Why do they grant us "Freedom" and then accuse us with "Instigation"?! Why do they claim we live in a "Democratic" country where everyday I am witnessing lake of "Democracy"especially for the younger generation?! What "Freedom" and "Democracy" do they mean if they will keep an eye on "Blogs" and who knows?! Maybe repeat what happened last year when they arrested two young Kuwaitis (one of them owns a blog) or a crime... they were proved to be innocent from it! Only this time, more Kuwaitis will be arrested.

A Message to Mr. Minister...

Dear Mr. Minister!
Yes you said "Not intending to block blogs" and Yes you said "This decision will not be against freedom granted from the Constitution". But why are you going to keep an eye on blogs if they can't speak their thoughts loud in "Newspapers"?! We all know what is the process of writing there, who can write there... etc
Why are you pointing fingers at bloggers?! If they shared their thoughts loud in Universities, disagreeing with (SOME) Professors, they get warning letters, and maybe suspended?!
Why did you take the position of standing against bloggers instead of supporting them?! If you know how "dangerous" they are, then you are sure of how "clever" they are! And you are pushing them away when you ignore their thoughts and ideas!!!
Again, why do you claim we have "Freedom" and "Democracy" when we are being watched?!
Please understand when you issue a law to "KEEP AN EYE" on blogs, one day you will issue a law to "BLOCK" whatever you see is inappropriate. Please understand, we are not fool to be fooled with such declaration.

Regards Mr. Minister!

One Day We Will End Up Like...
The sarcastic thing is: I was watching the last episode of an Egyptian Series showed in Ramadan, a scene made me laugh and thanked God I am Kuwaiti. A man is sitting on his desk facing his computer, and his wife yelling at him for his lake of emotions! Suddenly, the door bell rang strongly, when the wife opened the door, some men entered the apartment violently and grabbed the husband! The wife was screaming and asked them why are they arresting him, the Intelligence Officer said: "He is a blogger!" Oh yes! they were Intelligence Officers.
I felt sorry for that guy, and citizens in these similar countries, were they lake freedom. Thanked God a million time for being Kuwaiti & for living in Kuwait.
How ironic!!!! The following week, Ministry of Communication in (Kuwait) formed a committee of expertise to "Keep An Eye" local blogs for the sake of "Protecting Freedom & Kuwaiti Laws"!! For the sake of God!
One day we will be like who?! Egypt, Syria... and the list goes on & on & on... If they kept implementing such laws!!!

What We Don't is...

Blogs that abuse Allah, Prophet Mohamed, our beloved country Kuwait, and The Amir. We also don't want blogs that cause Infatuation "فتنة " between Sena & She'a or between tribes, and amoung citizens. If the Ministry of Communication & its "Expertise Committee" found any of these blogs; kindly don't keep an eye on them, block them!

In The End...

True! I didn't post any political views before, but I said it in the beginning "it got on my nerves" and I found this topic while viewing a blog that draged me to view another blog, then found the article in newspaper website. (All sources will be mentioned at the bottom).
I may not have a "Political" blog, or what ever I posted before may not be interesting to the Ministry of Communication & its "Expertise Committee". But I want to support all local blogs & I want to support our freedom. They have the freedom to write & we have to the freedom to read.

To all local blogs (especially political ones): trust me, there are many people who are proud of your blogs & proud of what have done so far :)
Say it loud & proud:
Salute to all bloggers!
"Blogs Under Surveillance"

First; this topic & headline got on my nerves!

"Blogs Under Surveillance" and I am sure they are targeting "Political" ones, where most are created by young Kuwaitis to express their opinions on what's going on in the country. But why?! Why do they grant us "Freedom" and then accuse us with "Instigation"?! Why do they claim we live in a "Democratic" country where everyday I am witnessing lake of "Democracy"especially for the younger generation?! What "Freedom" and "Democracy" do they mean if they will keep an eye on "Blogs" and who knows?! Maybe repeat what happened last year when they arrested two young Kuwaitis (one of them owns a blog) or a crime... they were proved to be innocent from it! Only this time, more Kuwaitis will be arrested.

A Message to Mr. Minister...

Dear Mr. Minister!
Yes you said "Not intending to block blogs" and Yes you said "This decision will not be against freedom granted from the Constitution". But why are you going to keep an eye on blogs if they can't speak their thoughts loud in "Newspapers"?! We all know what is the process of writing there, who can write there... etc
Why are you pointing fingers at bloggers?! If they shared their thoughts loud in Universities, disagreeing with (SOME) Professors, they get warning letters, and maybe suspended?!
Why did you take the position of standing against bloggers instead of supporting them?! If you know how "dangerous" they are, then you are sure of how "clever" they are! And you are pushing them away when you ignore their thoughts and ideas!!!
Again, why do you claim we have "Freedom" and "Democracy" when we are being watched?!
Please understand when you issue a law to "KEEP AN EYE" on blogs, one day you will issue a law to "BLOCK" whatever you see is inappropriate. Please understand, we are not fool to be fooled with such declaration.

Regards Mr. Minister!

One Day We Will End Up Like...
The sarcastic thing is: I was watching the last episode of an Egyptian Series showed in Ramadan, a scene made me laugh and thanked God I am Kuwaiti. A man is sitting on his desk facing his computer, and his wife yelling at him for his lake of emotions! Suddenly, the door bell rang strongly, when the wife opened the door, some men entered the apartment violently and grabbed the husband! The wife was screaming and asked them why are they arresting him, the Intelligence Officer said: "He is a blogger!" Oh yes! they were Intelligence Officers.
I felt sorry for that guy, and citizens in these similar countries, were they lake freedom. Thanked God a million time for being Kuwaiti & for living in Kuwait.
How ironic!!!! The following week, Ministry of Communication in (Kuwait) formed a committee of expertise to "Keep An Eye" local blogs for the sake of "Protecting Freedom & Kuwaiti Laws"!! For the sake of God!
One day we will be like who?! Egypt, Syria... and the list goes on & on & on... If they kept implementing such laws!!!

What We Don't is...

Blogs that abuse Allah, Prophet Mohamed, our beloved country Kuwait, and The Amir. We also don't want blogs that cause Infatuation "فتنة " between Sena & She'a or between tribes, and amoung citizens. If the Ministry of Communication & its "Expertise Committee" found any of these blogs; kindly don't keep an eye on them, block them!

In The End...

True! I didn't post any political views before, but I said it in the beginning "it got on my nerves" and I found this topic while viewing a blog that draged me to view another blog, then found the article in newspaper website. (All sources will be mentioned at the bottom).
I may not have a "Political" blog, or what ever I posted before may not be interesting to the Ministry of Communication & its "Expertise Committee". But I want to support all local blogs & I want to support our freedom. They have the freedom to write & we have to the freedom to read.

To all local blogs (especially political ones): trust me, there are many people who are proud of your blogs & proud of what have done so far :)
Say it loud & proud:
Salute to all bloggers!


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Can't Let Go

And I thought I can
Easily let go and move on
I thought I can remove you out of my head! But I doubt it!
If I try to do anything just to prevent me from you,
I find myself drawn in you!
If I try to runaway from reality & sleep,
I dream of you!
Obviously, it won't be easy to let go of you

The hardest thing is, nothing & no one is helping me to let go
Especially when I am lonely...
Can you believe it?! Yes! I sometimes feel lonely & empty, though all people around & everything that surrounds, I still feel lonely!
Alone, where no one to hold or grab me close
Close, where I feel save...
Only you did, do & will always do!

I miss you!
Your voice, your talks, your understanding, your sweetness, your temper, your silly jokes...
I miss your... everything!
What I miss the most is when you let me be... Mie
Lately, I don't know if I am Mie anymore

I let go of you a while ago,
When you caused a pain that was too deep to heal
But it did; life goes on

Suddenly, you came back into my life!
When you shared with me "WHY YOU CAUSED ME THE PAIN" I recalled it all, and begun dreaming...
But when you said (...) I had to stop dreaming & shock you with the truth:
You came too late

Did I mention that it isn't my choice to let go?!
I care about you so much that I don't want to hurt you,
I care about you too much to be selfish & lie! Maybe I can lie to the world, but not you, never you!
Although it was the right thing to do, why does it feel wrong?! Isn't honesty the right thing to do?! Why does saying the truth hurts me so much?!

You will never know how special you are to me
How you changed my life
Nothing will give you a hint, not words, not posts
Nothing will describe who you are to me...
Before, I used to ask myself "WHY DID YOU LET GO?!"
Now, I am asking myself "CAN I LET GO?!"
You are out of my life, but not my mind...
I am trying to let go,
and move on
You think I can?! I doubt it!
But I did it before, maybe I can again...

Take care where ever you are,,,

Mie Mie

A Letter to Sarah

Dear Sarah,

I wanted to write this a while ago, but time drifted me away from doing it on the right time.

I was touched with your note "Myself & I!" not because you mentioned me in a funny way ;p but because it reminded me of an old sorrow, even when you think you did the right think with it, you find out its just not healing the pain...
Remember when I always told you, I know how it feels; when someone you care the most, becomes too close to realize, and when you realize, he decides to disappear, for unknown reason. Or should I say "reasonS"...
It feels so bad, that no one can understand the pain left behind. No can imagine the breakdown you go through, even when you pretend that everything is "OKAY" and you - only you - know that it is not even close to "OKAY"! Then you decide not to share it with anyone, and when you do, you don't say it all... Especially the part of how destructive it is.
You know Sara, they think it's fine, and we can easily move on because they think we are "SUPER WOMEN" But we are not! We can't stand when someone enters our lives too quick, too sweet, too unreal to believe, too good to be true. Yes! He is too good to be true! I called him "A Dream" maybe the sweetest dream I ever had.
He is the only one how listens carefully to every single word you say,
The only one who heals your pains in a magical way, never like anyone before,
The one who understands you the most, like no one else did or do or will do.
Isn't he?!
Then, after all the joy he brings into your empty life, he disappears! That's when you wake up from you dream to face a... NIGHTMARE!
It took so long for me to move on, and heal my pain. Life moves on after all.
Then he showed up, again! But in a strange way. I won't lie, the way I always wanted him to be like. He was very honest, told me why he let go. Best part is; it wasn't mie, it was him! I won't go through details, but it was the best thing happening to me in a while. Not the fact that he said "he's sorry" but the fact that he shared it with me, or else I would have wondered forever!
Sara, do you have an idea why I am sharing this with you?!
First, we share the same feelings & sorrows -maybe the situation with slight differences
Second, he showed up the day you tagged mie in your note!
Finally, maybe we will share the same conclusion, when he'll come back and say "why?!" then it will make sense.
That moment, you will say: why didn't you share it with me?! Don't bother the answer, because it doesn't make any seances! Just try to enjoy the fact that he's there, you never know how long it will last. Perhaps, few days...
Do you want to know what happened next?! I will say one thing & I am sure you will understand; he just showed up in the wrong time...
In the end I want to say, have faith in YOU! No matter how long & deep the sorrow he left, and no matter how long it will take him to come back & say "WHY", you will get over it & will be a stronger person who won't the same mistake happen twice...

P.S. No! they don't know what you've gone through

Wuv yOu & take care ;***

Mie miE