Sunday, December 16, 2012

like a diamond

Let's fall in love
With no fear from tomorrow

Let's never pretend
Let's not put a false mask on

Let's be us
With our perfections and flaw

Let's not judge
Who doesn't have a shady past?

Let me love you the way you are...
Give it all with no hesitate, and give in without regrets

Let's love one another ...

Let's fall in love, not once but a million time a day, everyday!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

بلا عنوان

Memories shoved away
A life so full today
Always been this way...

The smile of love always differs
From any joy or laughters

Lonesome is my fear, big crowd can't cure
Only one always knew how to add life to a paint

I love your presence in my life
Gives it sparkle and joy
Exact amount I need
For my picture to reach perfection

I don't mind the pain you bring
We were all born screaming as there is a share of sorrow as we breathe
And we are humans after all
A combination of angles and demons I suppose

As long as you take my neutralism to an extreme
Melt the frozen veins within me
Maximise the craze and explode desires
Even the darkest most irrational ones
Control it all
The rise .... the fall
You are more than welcome to my life
Because I need and miss ...

the smile of being in love that is certainly different!

Monday, September 24, 2012


تباً ...

لغرورك الكاذب
لروحك النزقة
لقلبك التائه
لعقلك العابث
لجنونك الماجن
وشهوتك المصطنعة
لجحودك الدائم
لسانك السام
غضبك المقرف
مزاجيتك العاته
ضحكتك الساخرة
حزنك الاسود
بؤسك الأزلي
ودفئ حضنك
إدمان قبلتك
عذوبة إحساسك
شغف انفاسك

وحبك المؤلم حد الروعة...
الف تباً للأخيرة!

Mie Mie

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Toxic Love

When I see her .... I smell you
When she talks ... I see you
When she smiles ... I feel you
and when she sigh ... You shine from her breath!

I know she feels the same when she sees me
You are horrible ... horrible for letting us meet
Horrible for letting us be friends and you knew we would get along
Horrible for enjoying the scene of two women in love with you, friends and don't have a clue
Or maybe you know we do!

Still ... I can't manage to hate you
Hating you will make me weak, and the last thing I need is weakness
So I keep you near
Cause you pain -and I am good at that!
I become stronger watching you get weaker and weaker...

Because you are still causing me so much pain with your "left overs" , I want to be the only one who make you suffer, like no one did before, If I fail in making you love me, I won't fail in making you hate me to a loving point!

... That's how much I love"d" you, to a toxic extend
I'm keeping you to make me ............ stronger!

Mie Mie 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Little Thing

Those little things you do that remind me of the one person who caused so much damage to me.... It builds up hate toward you!


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Friday, August 3, 2012

Princess & King

I lost my appetite to read
And spell my pains in writes

I lost my appetite to smile
Even crying is a waste of time

I lost my desire of desiring love, desiring dreams, desiring fairy tales, desiring lies & denial

I lost the desire to deny your love and pretend someone else took your glory when I am very sure it's a big lie!

I find myself going back to you
Still trapped in your memoir
No matter how hard I try... You keep pulling me down

I lost what's left of myself with you, in your arms, between your lips and at your heart beats

I miss you, yet I know you are a big lie who didn't love me as much or even close , this hurts the most!

I lost my "want" to be a princess with a king

I lost my heart... Thus I lost me!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

بين الاختلاس والذكرى

تختلس لتظهر ...
في التفاصيل
في الطريق
في اليوم والدقيقة وجزء الثانية
في اغنية في لوحة في قصة في عطر
في قلم ودفتر !

تختلس انت...
بين العين والدمعة
بين الشفاه والقبلة
بين القلب ونبضه
بين العقل وخياله
بين الروح ونشوتها...

تختلس انت، فتظهر لِ تزلزلَني من جديد!

فَ أحبك بين الاختلاس و الذكرى


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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Magic Words Men Love

I don't understand why so many guys liked to be lied at ! They don't say it but it's true...

If I'm having an argument with my 4 years younger than me brother, all he wants to hear is "you are right, my mistake, won't happen again". Because if you say the common sense, he won't like it and you get endless arguments & drama!

Same applies to dad -sometimes though!- he once told me "just don't argue me & say OK DAD" I said the magic words & he was happy!

My ex fiancé asked me the same thing! Oh my god are these men for real??

But the question is, are all men from other countries like that?! Or the problem is in the mentally-sick-hypocrite-region I live in?!

I was raised to argue & logically discuss, but my parents would say: do this except with us! Then they add "& your brother" then comes "your husband you have to obey his demands"...

Exactly who left ?! My pet!!?

To avoid the drama I should lie nonstop ! And I'm fed up with it! Everyone should accept you the way you are not the way they want you to be!

"it's wrong for a girl to come late at 2 am even if she was at her cousin/uncle place" -- seriously?!

And if the argument is about coming late Not something mentally beneficial , it's a waste of time to nourish the argument with your defense or opinion, right?!

Bottom line is, men are so contradicting & hypocrite that they drive women crazy!

Cheers for that!


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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Be Sure!

Hate you?!
How can I?
Do I dare?
Can I hate myself? My heart beats? My eye blinks? My logic & nonsense?
Can I hate my smile? Falling tear? My sweetest dreams? My taken reality?
Can I hate my all?!
No, even when you no longer exist in my life to know...
I love you to an extend I can't hate you ... Be sure.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

يمكن لِ غسان مطر

((وعَّيتني من النوم))!

صَوتِك من بحور الغفا جايي

وبَحِّةْ غنج فيها عَتَب،

يمكن الْغَفَّاكي التعب

يمكن هربتي خلف شِ حْكَايي

قومي وقفي قدام المرايي

وشوفي بصوتك شو مخبايي:

سامع حزن بِيفَيّةِ الضحكي

وسامع حكي مخنوق

ما بيحكي...

يمكن تْنَيْنِتنَا كَسرنا الكاس

عا قَدّ ما حِكيو علينا الناس،

يمكن يكون العمر تَعّبْنا

من هيك تَ هْرَبنا

ويمكن... ما بعرف،

ما عرفنا نطير

مثل العصافير

ونجن، وتجن الدني كِلا،

ويمكن ... الف يمكن

بس اللــِّ مش ممكن

نهرب من اللي كاتبو الله.

نحنا تْنَينْ لْبَعضنا خْلقنا

ومْع بَعضنا حلوين

عَم نكذب عْلَى مينْ

ونْقول مات الحبّ ْ

والليل فرقنا؟

وعَّيْتِك من النوم؟

بِقَْلبي إذا غْفيتي بْغطّيكي

وكلما اشْتَقتْ إسمَعْ طَرَبْ

وْبَحِّة غنج فيها عتب

بِيْدِقّ ْ قلبي ... تا يْوَعِّيكي.

قصيدة: (يمكن) للشاعر غسان مطر

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It Was Just A Game

Don't worry I won't bite you
I was just playing your game
Giving you a taste of what you do to me everyday
Every minute since you left away...
Don't worry I won't hurt you
I just enjoyed playing the game with you
The game of in-denial
But don't worry, I'm no longer a fan of games
Just wanted to introduce this side of me
A me you never had the chance to see
Been sleeping for the past 6 months
When I thought life is safe
You proved me wrong & the damage is done
But once in a while I thought "why not play his
After all, I won't care what he'll say, we are no longer the same, no?!"

Mie Mie

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

كنت أنت

لم تكن انت
وراء تسريحتي شعري الجديدة
ولا الفستان الحريري

لم تكن انت
سبب ابتسامتي العفوية
وذهاب عقلي الى السماء التاسعة

لم تكن انت
من اتزين له بأحمر شفاهٍ
ولا بكحل عينٍ

لم تكن انت
أحلامي السعيدة
والدفئ من الواقع اللئيمِ

لم تكن انت
بيتٌ ولا حضنٌ ولا قبلة مخطوفة مع فنجان قهوة

لم تكن انت
الإلهام ولا الخاطرة ولا قلم ولا صفحة ولا كتاب ولا القراءة او حتى... موسيقى

انت لم تملك الارض التي امشي عليها ولا الهواء القذر الذي اتنفسه ولا النفس المرهقة من الواقع ولا حتى الروح!

فقبلك كنت اتزين بشعر وفستانٍ، وأحمر شفاه والكحل أيضاً ... اتعطر بالورد الجوري وتترك ابتسامتي سحرا أينما ذهبت! نعم فانت ليست الثقة الموروثة من ابي!

انت فقط ببساطة ملكت قلباً... سئمته؟! أحببته اكثر مما ينبغي؟! جاملته؟! عشقته؟! لا اعلم يا ... حبيبي! ولكنك ملكت قطعة اللحم الصغيرة تلك وقررت رميها بعيداً وقريباً لتتمكن من إبقاء جزء من سيطرتك عليه

كنت انت مالك قلبي وعالمي وجنوني وثورتي... كنت انت...


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Monday, April 9, 2012

صاحبة الكيان

هل تذكر؟
يوماً ما كان قريباً
سألتني عن قلبي...

هل تذكر؟
يوماً ما أشبه بالحلمِ
اخترقت ثناياي...

هل تذكر؟
يوماً ما كأنه لم يكن
سألتني عن مفتاح قلبي...

ابتسمت، خجلت والتزمت صمتاً
كدت أصرخ وأقول....

انت المفتاح والقلب وثنايا صاحبة الكيان


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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's Over
That's all I can say...


I miss you I can't deny
Everything reminds me of you
I'm away because I don't want to let go
I'm away because I don't want to lose you
I'm away because I love you & it hurts right now
The thought of you with another hurts
It's not an assumption, it's an intuition! And my intuition never lied!

Distance is a way to prepare myself for the worst...
And the worst is, losing you!

Maybe I'm wrong
Maybe I am losing you
Maybe I already lost you...

Whatever it is, I miss you & I won't deny it!


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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Side Tweet - احياناً

أحياناً... أشعر أنك قريبٌ قربَ الشريانِ لقلبي

وأحياناً أشعر أنك بعيدٌ بعدَ السماءِ عن أرضي!

أحياناً أتنفسك وأخرى أجهضك

أحياناً أبكيك وأخرى أبكي عليّ

أحياناً أشتاق إليك و إليّ في حضورك
وأخرى ، ببساطة ، أشتهيك

أحياناً أفتقد تلوث رئتيّ بسيجارك
وأخرى لا أريد شيئاً من جنابك!

أحياناً كثيرة أكرهكَ لِـإهمالي
وتأتي أحيانٌ أخرى أكثر أحبك لوجودك في حياتي...

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Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Closure

It does get worst..

When you stop caring
Or missing!
If you stop asking or talking,
When your heartbeat is back to normal & you back to your old routine of life...

If the feelings are still
If the love is not going on

When you put on a straight face for remembering his cute-little-things, not a smile!

When you stop gazing emptiness picturing his face shining from the none!

When nothing reminds you of him, and he starts vanishing in your past!

It gets worst...
Because you know it is over, but you are waiting for a closure!


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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Side Tweet

There's something about you that keeps this heart beating!


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Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Hate You & the World!

No it's not a suicidal letter, I just hate you & the world!

No one can disagree we live in a hypocrite, artificial, shallow, filled with lies & deceives, where years of friendship can vanish away in seconds and a 50 years old mother thinks she's still in her 20s trying to catch with "men" she missed and a 60 years old father lives in an eternal box and teen lost between her sexual identity and a religious questioning religion and a woman selfishly destroying a paper-made "home" of him & her with kids, and a wife cheating on her womanizer husband and a liberal fearing death because his thoughts and an artist confused between ART and MONEY and ...

On top of all that , comes you and your depression points, your downs, swing moods, your neglect, careless, selfishness, illness, your parents & friends, your existence question, your spaces, cigarettes, cars, wealth and....

I don't care about all that, may it all burn, but I can't live in a fucked up world plus deal with your distance! I just can't !

So at this moment,
Specific day & date,
I must say it clear... I hate you and the world too!

Thank you!

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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hole in the Soul

It hurts...

When I ask you for the least thing & you barely make it happen,
And most of the times, u don't!
Yet when you want anything, I make sure it happens!

Because I don't guarantee a tomorrow with you, so I love you everyday like it's the last in my life!

And you ... Don't seem to realize that one day, I won't be around you!

This doesn't hurt, it creates a hole in my soul!!


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Wrapped in Your Arms

If only your arms can wrap me hard
Close to your soul where I feel we're one...

I don't miss you when I breath or blink
I don't miss you when I sigh
Neither in my silence or talks..
You don't cross my mind every second of the day
nor my day & night dreams ...

You reached a level of live that goes beyond ordinary & logic!

You are my vision & heartbeats
My thoughts
My calm & mad
You are my seconds, hours, days & time
My falling tear & genuine smile
In other words.. You are my all!

You reached a level of live that goes beyond ordinary & logic!

You are my vision & heartbeats
My thoughts
My calm & mad
You are my seconds, hours, days & time
My falling tear & genuine smile
In other words.. You are my all!

I miss you when you hug me
Close to your heart
Where I hear it's beats, feel the rush of your blood & warmth!

I miss you when you look at me & smile

I miss your love & desire

It's an endless "Miss-List" yet I need to let some show!

How I feel is not only a need.. I want it & I want it with you...

I don't know how to end this piece, I don't want to!

If only I am in your arms right now, i will sneak to your ears & whisper "I Love you"


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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

نص مبتدئ

مشبعةٌ أنا بِـحبك
وأكرهُ (ألعنُ) النساء من حولك
عذراً فأنا عاشقة!
كلما اغرقتني بفيضك، زادت رغبتي بامتلاك
فهل تجرمني السماء والناس لِـحبك؟

والغيرة، تلك العاطفة ”البدائية“ غير المعلنة لاسبابٍ تعرفها وحدك..
ليست خوفاً منهن، ولا انتقاصا لحبك، انما هي شعور عشقي "ينكز" المحبين بين فينة وأخرى
فهل تعاقبني لشعورٍ طفيلٍ عابرٍ؟!

ختام الكلام: أحبك


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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You're His All, But...

He calls
Non stop attention
Care, tender
Is welling to give you a home & the world, if you just ask...

He thinks about you day & night
Wants to give you all his love, if you only give a chance...

You know you are his closest
Closer to his soul
Run through his veins
Flow into his heart
Live in his mind

You are his pulse
His heart beat
His thoughts
Scent & sight!

He see you clearly in his future
He has a vision for both
He wants to be at his best for you
He wants to give you his all...

But... Your heart is not skipping a beat when you say his name
You don't gaze into emptiness and see his face
Cross your mind when he forces so...
He is not the reason you smile
Nor your dream
Not the crayons of your life
Nor the shades of colors
Not a shoulder you run too
Nor a ... Sigh!

Though that's a fact he knows... He is still fighting for you!

Would you stay with him for a perfect picture frame?!


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Friday, January 6, 2012

What If

What if...

You were in love with me,
Madly, deeply, true
And I was in love too

We had coffees, teas, cookies & sweets,,
Shared smiles and whipped in dreams,,
Kissed tears away, abandoned our sorrows from our ways,,
Smoothly talked & easily understood each's pain,,
Softly kissed, tenderly hugged & passionately loved,,
Flew to Cloud 9 everyday,,
Adored each other in all ways,,

What if
I was the one you always wanted, lived with me all that & beyond, but I was sadly engaged with another man, for better & worse, would you still love me the same?

I was only assuming I was with someone else... The "what if" kills doesn't it?!

Please... let's not live on assumptions when our reality is better than Wonderland...
A waste of time, a damage of brain & heart ache!

Let's never judge on "what if"
It's always wrong!

Love me today, later worry about the future & leave all the "what if" away!

Simply because the only thing that matters now is ... I love you ... Keep that in mind!


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